Thursday, November 29, 2007

Makin Some Music

Well to all of those who asked about me puting my voice on one of those shiny CD thingers. Well that time is almost at hand. I have oh my soul hungered done, and I Am wrapping up music of the night soon.

So if you want my to make a CD for you then let me know and I will do so. Let me know here or via e-mail.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

An Inconvenient Review

I just picked up a copy of "An Inconvenient Book" by Glenn Beck.

Now let me tell ya this is one of the most interesting, politicly INcorrect things I have seen in a while. the person who wrote this must be nuts. There are things in here that insult my intelligence on many different levels, but let me tell you what. I love every stinkin word of it.

I am in the 3rd chapter already, and I expect to finish it before monday. When that happen I will give you my complete inconvenient review of the book. However don't wait for me to write my review before you get the book. Go to Barns and Noble or Books-A-Million or something and pick it up.

Now I must warn you, if you play to the mainstream media Gods, and believe everything that you hear on TV, and you are genuinely interested in what is going on with that Brittany spears woman, well this book may hurt you to read. I think that he calls people like you stupid, or something like that. Oh also if you're a HUGE fan of Al Gore, you should read this book for sure. this will enhance your views on Global warming in the first chapter making you more knowledgeable then before for when you talk to your friends about how we are killing the planet. (what I am saying is this will help you look smart, and not like a moron.)

So keep checkin back. And Happy Thanksgiving to you.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

6 things you don't know about me

A friend of mine did this and I thought that it was a good idea. So I will now present you with,

6 things you don't know about me

1. I have lived in 13 different houses, and 7 different states. They are Colorado, Texas, Penn., New York, Arkansas, Illinios, and Virginia. No it is not cause my Parents were in the military, just life saw fit to cause us to move a lot. I have never been in one place for longer than 4 1/2 years. People ask me if I liked it, well I don't know any differnt so I can not really compair it.

2. I have restless leg syndrome. That is exactly what it sounds like. When I sit still I move my feet or legs. It is kinda annoying from time to time, but I really don't even notice it most of them time. So watch me when I am sitting in a reclined position, I will be moving my feet at least.

3. I can feel very well. I have never really been able to explain this well, but I will give it a try. I feel everything. Any and all conact with my skin no matter how small, I can feel, and feel very well. (yes that is why it makes me itch when you do that) When I was younger my mother had to put a blanket between me and her cause i did not like to have things touch me other than cloth. I know it is pretty odd but it is true. so yea little things crawling on me? yea not a fan so much.

4. I never sang a solo till I was 19 then not again till I was 20. For those of you that know me and how much I enjoy singing this may or may nor shock you. (I know this makes me look slightly proud of myself but this is a blog about me) I never liked to do that kind of thing in public. Not even in front of my family. Only in the last couple of years have I gotten over my fear of being in front of people. I used to get panic attacks really bad before I would go on stage. It is not like that now, I still get VERY nervous, but it is now much more managable.

5. My great great grandfather on both sides were full blooded native american. Choctaw and Cherokee (yes like the Tim McGraw song) So I am 1/16 Native american. This may not seem that interesting but it is to me, that is all that matters :P

6. I have never left the US (Canada does not count in my eyes). I have been all over the US but I have never left the US at all. Never even had the chance. I meet people all the time that are like, "yea I have been here" or "I have been there", but not me I have just stayed here my whole life. will I every leave the US? I would like to think so, but I just don't know where I would want to go. hmmmm choices choices.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My Music CD

I would not normaly advertise about somthing like this, but as some of you have asked about it I will be posting updates here.

I do infact have some recordings of me singing. I am in the process of redoing a couple of them. When I get it done I will let everyone know so that those of you that want one, will be able to get one.

I will be recording the song that I sang on church "Oh My Soul Hungered" and one more that I am not sure about yet.

I am also in the process of recording a CD for Christmas.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I like My Christmas

Christmas is being taken from us! If you don't think so just turn on the TV listen to the radio, or just go shopping and hear someone say "Happy Holidays!" Well I am not a fan of this. I want my Christmas, and I am going to fight for it!

So if you are a fan of Christmas, well then listen to the new Chris Terrell Podcast (I know the name is lame I will come up with something better later.) the link is below.

Yes that is right I have finally done one again. So Enjoy. And don't forget to think!

Christmas is being taken!


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Time to Ponder

The following is a partial entry. if it gets some comments I will finish it. It is a little old, like 2 months, but I wanted to get something up.

Podcast comming this week so keep a watch out for it.


I have gotten a little behind on this yet again. There has been a lot things going on with me, and I am sure that all of you are just itchin for me to enlighten you. Well sorry but I am not going to do that here at this time.

The question for today is.. . . .

Is it really the things that we know that make us smart? or not smart?

We all think very differently. Some people have earned the title of "smart" and others have earned the title of "not as smart" (word that how you will). Why is this? why do some of us get these different titles? I know people that have different titles, both of which are on opposite sides of the spectrum.

Am I smart? I often wonder if I would be called that, or if I would be just called dumb. I don't think about it too often, and I know that there are things that I am very smart about, and other things that I am not. But in the eyes of those around me I wonder what they think about me from time to time. If I am the kind of person that they would come to for advice.

Does it really matter what others think about us? I guess in the great scheme of things it does not really matter what others think. We seem to all know this, and yet we all seem to forget this as life goes on. The ones that truely ignore what others think about us seem to be happier. What is so special about them? I don't know, perhaps it is the ability to sustain their own lives with out the need of other people attention.

I often try to separate myself from the need of other peoples attention to be succsesfull, or to find pride in my work. I have found however that it is harder than it seems to do that. lets give an example of what I am talking about:

I used to work for a cleaning company, and at that time I was a supervisor at a building over the night shift. I was wanted to do something to spice up the look of the building with some detail cleaning. So I elected to clean the push plates on all of the doors. So I got the tools required to polish them and then begain to polish. Well when I was done, I realozed that they were all clean evenly. That in reality most people are not going to notice cuase they are not going to have anything to compair it to. so to let people know about all of the work that I do, I left half of some of the push plates unpolished.

The next day I got a call from the facility manger and he told me that he liked the work that I had done and asked when I would finish the rest of them. I told him the I was going to do so that night, and of course I did.

Now would this guy have noticed the job that I had done if i had not left half of it incompleted? I don;t know nor will I ever I guess, but the point is I was looking for the approval of this person to alllow me to think that I did a good job. Is it not good enough that I could have.