Tuesday, March 31, 2009

finaly someon asks the tough questions


If only more people would point out what is happening with these politicians 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Big Love thoughts

It seems more and more that I am seeing people of my faith (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - LDS) write different things about the upcoming Big Love TV episode which will feature some content that is showing sacred portions of LDS Ordinances.  

People continue to organize groups to boycott, Time Warner, HBO and AOL as a result.  They move to file complaints with the FCC, and just in general speak ill of the entire situation and all of the those that are involved.  I guess I can give my views on the whole issue however, I don't think that I am going to be of the same opinion as most of the other outspoken people.

Do I like that the HBO series "Big Love" is going to show things of a sacred nature?  No, of course I do not.  I am not saying that I condone the actions at all.  Do I like it when there are protesters parading around Temple Square in SLC during General Conference with Garments making a mockery of it?  No, of course I do not.  I however don't give them the satisfaction of a reaction from myself, which is the very same counsel the leaders of the LDS Church gives also.  We should treat all with kindness, and respect, and just because others don't do it to us, that does not mean that we should let go so quickly of our feelings.  

The Show "Big Love" is a popular show, yes.  However, it is not that popular.  Compare it to a show like American Idol, 24, Lost, 30 Rock, The Office, Monday Night Football and it does not even compare in viewers.  I am of the opinion to just let it go with them.  It will blow over and in 1 year no one will even talk about it or think about it.  They are not doing it to be malicious in nature, and I am not saying that one should support it.  I am just saying do as the Church Counseled its members.  Do nothing, and just let it be.  It will have no effect on the church and the Lords work here on the earth.  

When I first heard about this I was reminded of a story that was shared in a General conference by Gordon B. Hinckly about being slow to Anger which I will quote and then leave be.

Once a man who had been slandered by a newspaper came to Edward Everett asking what to do about it. 

Said Everett, “Do nothing! Half the people who bought the paper never saw the article. Half of those who saw it, did not read it. Half of those who read it, did not understand it. Half of those who understood it, did not believe it. Half of those who believed it are of no account anyway”