Monday, December 1, 2008

We the people . . . are really kind of sad (Wall-Mart Employee Trampled)

This past weekend on black Friday a Wal-Mart Employee was trampled to death by shoppers trying to get their Wii, Playstation, Sweet new Ipod or some other device or item that was knocked down 25%.  I am absolutely disgusted with the type of person that would think "oh my Gosh I MUST get to that thing first!  The person behind me will help the person I just stepped on! MUST GET IT FIRST!!!!"  Now I know that I am exaggerating a a bit, but the point stands that it is sad that this happened, and that it happened so people could SHOP!!!!  

The following is an expert from the NY Times about it.

"The throng of Wal-Mart shoppers had been building all night, filling sidewalks and stretching across a vast parking lot at the Green Acres Mall in Valley Stream, N.Y. At 3:30 a.m., the Nassau County police had to be called in for crowd control, and an officer with a bullhorn pleaded for order.

Tension grew as the 5 a.m. opening neared. Someone taped up a crude poster: “Blitz Line Starts Here.”

By 4:55, with no police officers in sight, the crowd of more than 2,000 had become a rabble, and could be held back no longer. Fists banged and shoulders pressed on the sliding-glass double doors, which bowed in with the weight of the assault. Six to 10 workers inside tried to push back, but it was hopeless.

Suddenly, witnesses and the police said, the doors shattered, and the shrieking mob surged through in a blind rush for holiday bargains. One worker, Jdimytai Damour, 34, was thrown back onto the black linoleum tiles and trampled in the stampede that streamed over and around him. Others who had stood alongside Mr. Damour trying to hold the doors were also hurled back and run over, witnesses said.

Some workers who saw what was happening fought their way through the surge to get to Mr. Damour, but he had been fatally injured, the police said. Emergency workers tried to revive Mr. Damour, a temporary worker hired for the holiday season, at the scene, but he was pronounced dead an hour later at Franklin Hospital Medical Center in Valley Stream.

Four other people, including a 28-year-old woman who was described as eight months pregnant, were treated at the hospital for minor injuries.


Some shoppers who had seen the stampede said they were shocked. One of them, Kimberly Cribbs of Queens, said the crowd had acted like “savages.” Shoppers behaved badly even as the store was being cleared, she recalled.

“When they were saying they had to leave, that an employee got killed, people were yelling, ‘I’ve been on line since yesterday morning,’ ” Ms. Cribbs told The Associated Press. “They kept shopping.” "  Here is the link to the article 

I leave it up to you all to decide what you think about that. 

Is it really that big of deal that this happened?  Is it really just an "accident?"  

P.s.  This is NOT Wal-Mart's Fault, and the Union in that area that is attacking Wal-Mart for this is pathetic for trying to capitalize on this persons death from uncivilized people that came to shop there.  too bad the people responsible can't be prosecuted because it will be to hard to prove anything.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Easter Egg

if you are reading this in google reader then type this.

up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a

Beware of ninjas!!

really I mean it!  try it you have nothing to lose.  

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Proposition 8 thoughts

I have been reading on various forums and newspapers peoples thoughts about Proposition 8 and the LDS churches involvement in it. People have been getting really upset about a couple of things. First of all that they lost, and second that the church had a large involvement in it.

My thoughts on this are pretty simple. Even if 100% of all LDS members voted for the proposition it would not have been enough to pass it. It needed support from many people, in fact from a majority of the state. The fact that it passed means one thing. Those that did not want it to are a minority and therefore they are the losers. They Lost! They don't get it their way! The other people don't like their view! NO!

This world today does not allow for losers, and they can be winners. Well in the real world that is not how things work. You are not all winners, some of you are losers. I woke up Wednesday a loser, as I supported John McCain. I'm a LOSER!!!! So I like that I lost? Nope, not one bit, but I did and no amount of whining is goign to change it. So the people that are "vote no to 8" voters you lost, and I am sorry, but please stop the attacking, and if you have a problem with it then maybe you should realize that a majority of people don't like your view, and that you need to do something about it. I can assure you that attacking people is not the way to get there, and it will only hurt your cause.

People have gone as far as to now want to remove the tax exempt status of the Church as a result of it. (there is a website with a petition, but I am not going to post it as I disagree with it) Some people are even saying that they are going to boycott church business. People say that the church is not a loving organization, and that it is hateful and not accepting of gays. one person on a newspaper comment section said that what right is it of the churches to not allow two people who love each to get married? I think these people forgot who we say runs our church. God.

Last I checked God was pretty much not OK with Gay and lesbian activity. Last I saw in the Bible he condemns them lays down the law concerning it. We do this, because God said so. I have many Gay friends, and I have no problem with them, I count them as friends and I have no problem with them being around me at all. I don't agree with marriage no longer being defined as between a man and a woman, but as far as some other civil right go I am fine with it. Just not marriage. I support my Gay friends in their choices, but I still disagree with it.

If the people that wanted Gay marriage were a majority than it would have passed. This is a country where the majority rules what happens. Everyone does not get what they want just because they want it. If people want it changed again, then they need to raise support and become the majority to win.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our New Pesident

Behold our new President of the Free World.  I hope I am wrong about all of my fears.  We will see in 4 years.

Obama wins with 63,531,204 votes

p.s. Bush in 04 had 62,040,610 in 2004 just an note.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Never give up!!

and the next in the series.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

24 is almost upon us!

I honor of the 24 redemption special I am going to do a Jack Bauer motivator series leading up to it.  (yea I got that kind of time) So here is this weeks first picture.  

yea I like 24 if you could not tell.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So You Support Obama

Not sure who to vote for during this election year?  Not sure who has your interest at heart and wants the same things you want?  Well I have one thing that may help you.

I am only aware of this one for Obama.  If someone knows of something similar to this for McCain than by all means let me know so I can add it on the Blog.

If you want feel free to post your results.

I disagree with him 96% of the time.  So I guess I am not voting for him.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Media Is Bias

Before I get started on this topic I want to be VERY clear about one thing.  I am a conservative.  I am for small government, and I am not in any way for the progressive socialist movement. 

The last few months I have been just absolutely disgusted by the mainstream media.  They have been so biased, and I think that as the years play out and time passes people will look back at the media today and they will be using it as a lesson as what we should try to avoid in the future. 

The Media has become so arrogant, that they send the message that they have the power to decide what is right and what is important.  The word “fair” has no meaning any more.  You can see it time and again, and the last few months with this Presidential election it is more apparent than ever.  The way the media has been talking about Obama is amazing.  They treat him like he is the greatest man on the earth, and he can do no wrong.

Obama is the epitome of political correctness.  He is smooth, good looking, a great public speaker, Muslim background, Black, and White at the same time.  He has got it goin on, and of course he can do no wrong.  He has said things that if they were said by anyone else they would have ruined themselves.  He has said things like,

she is a typical white person

“Clinging to god or religion as a means to vent their frustrations”

However thanks to Obama he has opened the door for other people to say things, and when the media jumps ALL OVER THEM we can kindly direct them to how they let Obama get away with saying racist and elitist things.  Obama is not a typical black person.  I can go into details about it but I don’t think that I need to do so.  I have no beefs with the fact that he said it.  I see nothing wrong with what he said because it is true.  There are such things as a typical white person.  I don’t think that the typical white person today is racist like he was implying with the above quote, but I would count myself as one of them (the typical (non racist) white person).  The problem I have is the fact that the media lets him get away with it for reasons I don’t understand, and if someone else like John McCain said the opposite like “typical black person,” it would never disappear. 

I am ok with Obama being treated like the messiah, but I don’t like that he gets it with no basis for it.  I no doubt believe that Obama is an honorable man, but I don’t think he is as good as the media is portraying.  EVERYONE makes mistakes, and we ALL have problems in life.  It is ok to have them, and I would have a problem if one did not have any.  Obama is never portrayed to have them, and if one does they are squelched by the media very quickly.  McCain is played out to have nothing but problems.  I do not believe that is true. 

This is not supposed to be an Anti-Obama Blog and I am sorry that is has that spin, but as I said I am a conservative.  It is supposed to be about the media bias.  The last week the unthinkable happened.  I became 3 times more disgusted with the media than I was before.  When Sarah Palin was picked to be McCain’s VP the media went on a frenzy. It is apparent that the media does not like to be surprised.  They probably feel that they should have had the chance to vet all of the potential people, and when someone off of their radar was picked what did they do?  They went NUTS!  They had nothing prepared.  No one did but a few, and those people had nothing but good things about her and that would just simply not do.  Mainstream media was embarrassed.  We are not supposed to make our own choices on how we feel about a person!  The Media is supposed to do it for us!  What was McCain thinking not letting the Media make the choices on if she was good or not?  Well I am glad that he did. 

Just in case you don’t know.  The McCain campaign intentionally kept this a secret.  There was not a whole lot of communication so that the media could not get a sniff of it.  The face to face meeting prior to the selection was made in secret, and when she was brought down for the official announcement she was brought down on a normal commercial airline and stayed in an $89 a night motel, and was checked in under a different name.  Was this fair?  I don’t know, and quite honestly I don’t freakin care!  The Media will say that this was not a fair way to do this, but who cares what they think.

The Obama campaign has such a grip over McCain in the media of course the McCain campaign is going to play this out right to upstage Obama as best as they can.  They let us all know about this choice right after Obama’s speech and totally blew him out of the news.  It was great.  There was nothing on this person out there,  and for a couple of days I had all the time I needed to my research on this lady and find out who she is, and what she stands for without having to wade through all of the bias media mud.  The Media did not like this at all because if one did this they would probably like her, and I mean a lot.

One would find that she is just like us.  She is what Obama and Biden pretend to be.  She is real, and knows what life is like for the rest of us.  So as this happened what did the media do?  They posted awful things, and got dirty in their tactics.  Attacking her family, making false outrages claims with no proof whatsoever.  I am not going to say what they were, as you can do a Google search and find out all of them in about 5 seconds.  They had nothing prepared on how to tear her down as a person and as a politician so they had to get dirty about it. 

I just hope that as the weeks play on that the media will calm down and take a more fair, and honorable approach on how they deliver the news to us.  There are some people that due to what they have done I will not even watch because I am so disgusted at how poorly they go about News Broadcasting.  It is ok to like one person more than another and to let it come out in your message, but please be more honorable and fair in how you do it.

If you want to attack her, than attack her.  Leave her family out of it.  We had to do it for the Clintons with Chelsea.  I just want to see some sort of fairness on the news.  I am talking about within the same organization.  MSNBC could perhaps try to be a little fairer in what they say about the republicans in contrast to the democrats.  MSNBC and the New York Times are the absolute worst about biasness.  They are so bad about it, and it is so obvious.

In 3 days the New York Times carried 67 articles attacking Sarah Palin. Everything from "she's no Hillary"; to her hair looks "20 years out of date"; to "her Fargo accent"; mentioning her husband DUI charge from TWENTY-TWO YEARS ago; attacking her 17 year old pregnant daughter; bringing up "trooper gate" without key details, and on and on. Maybe a little over the top? Barack Obama has been on the cover of Time Magazine SEVEN times this year alone...McCain, twice. Obama stories have outnumbered McCain news stories by almost 4-1 in the media.

I am going to conclude with one example of how different the media can be.  Just with a simple picture.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin RNC Speech

I found it!  here is the speech from last night.  You also read the transcript below it.

Enjoy.  Well worth the watch.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I have SPS Really Bad

Man I have a wicked case of SPS (Sarah Palin Syndrome).  The more I learn about this woman the more I am filled with hope for the future of this country.  The more I see and hear about this woman the more and more I like her.

Tonight I watched her give an AMAZING speech!  At the Republican National Convention she gave a speech so amazing I was cheering at home for her.  She is Real, and I can identify with this person.  When I look and Obama and or Biden, there is absolutely NOTHING I can identify with.  They try to make him out to the a man of the people, and that Biden is just like us.  Well I am here to tell you that they are not, unless you make LOTS of money a year.  Like 4 million last year to keep up with Obama.  They don't have a clue what my life is like.

When Palin talks, and you just give here 10 minutes to tell you about herself you can see that she is a regular person.  She has a family, and it is filled with highs and lows.  She has a son that is about to be deployed to Iraq.  Her husband is a fisherman, and a great husband.  She also is the mother a special needs child.  She is a person that knows how hard it can b
e at home, and that there is a proper way to help out people.  She understands that Taxing us into oblivion is not the way to do that.

I would love to give my commentary on her speech, but I don't think it needs any.  I am sure that the media is going to sound byte her to death, but if you don't watch the entire speech then you have nothing to say about her.  She covers it all, and shows that she is every bit as qualified to do the Job as our beloved savior Barrack Obama if not more so.  (yes I watched the ENTIRE DNC)  

As soon as I find a video of the entire speech I will link it here for you to see if you missed it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

All Hail Obama!!

I think that all Obama supporters should love this theme song for him. He is truly chosen to change america. Well I have one thing to him.

"You can keep the Change"

 All hail the messiah 
 Obama, Obama 
 The path to the new socialist motherland 
 Our savior, our savior 
 Obama, Obama 
 The leader more famous than Lindsay Lohan 
 Bow down and praise the one 
 Give him your money and your guns 
 Give us a country 
 That makes your wife proud 
 Lord Barry heal the bitter ones 
 White and Clinging to faith and to guns 
 Hope for the change of the hope of the change!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Friend with the Gambling Problem

Lets pretend you have a friend who has a gambling problem. He is behind on his bills. Like, WAY behind, and there is no food in his house, and you know this because he comes over to mooch off of you to get food all the time.

You feel bad for him, and you wish that you could help him. Then one day he is over at your place and he tells you that he is about to get his power turned off because he is too behind on his electric bill. You as how much and he tells you the amount. It is not too much, and you can spare it no problem so you give him some money to pay for his electric bill, because hey, why not? He is in need, and you have the money to spare.

So you give this friend the money and guess what? He doesn't pay his bill he does what he always does with is money. He blows it on gambling!! You know he has this problem, but you thought that he would spend it on his bill. Needless to say his power gets turned off, and as time moves on, he gets his power back on, but he is still way behind on all of his bills, and is racking up the gambling debts and fast. Again you feel bad about this, and feel bad for him. He needs the help and you make plenty of money and you manage yours well, and you give him some money to pay some bill, and put food in his fridge.

You then find out that not only did he not pay his bills, and he did not buy food other than a few Red Bulls but he blew it ALL on gambling. Your friend HAS A GAMBLING PROBLEM!!! HELLO?!?!? You give him money and he is going to blow it on gambling. He needs some help, and he needs professional help. Not a hand out.

My friends! The Federal Government is that friend with a gambling problem. They Rack up more and more debt, and they just want more and more money. You do not fix a gambling problem with more money. Well that is just how many many of Americans want to take care of the problem.

Free Health Care
Government Controlled Energy
Social Security
Government Controlled Schooling
Government Subsidies
Government Bail outs

These are all things that many Crazy people want. you would never give your friend with the gambling problem more money so why would you want to give the Federal government more money? They have a bad record of managing money. They just plain suck at it.

If you read that list (and it is a small one. Should be a lot bigger) you need to understand one thing. THEY ARE NOT FREE!!! There is nothing free in this world. Someone paid for it and just because it was not you it does not mean that it was free. Just means that you did not pay for it. People don't understand that, and if they do they just don't care that it is just a redistribution of wealth in its early form. They want the hand out.

Is it really a good idea to raise taxes to give the money to a government that can't manage what it has already (NO the Democrats can't do a better job. They make it worse. (yes Republicans are not much better)) Is it really going to get better if the beloved and holy Obama wins? Is it really going to improve if McCain the old Battle ax wins?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Thoughts on the Canidates (more a rant against Obama)

Oh boy I can't wait for the election year to be over. I am not sure what I am going to blog about. I really don't want to talk about the candidates so much, but I feel compelled to do so. I want to lend my opinion about the different candidates and perhaps this will shed some light on why I do it so much.

First I want to state, that I am a conservative (not a Republican). I believe in capitalism, and letting the free market work out problems. I think the Federal Government is very bad at business and money. If I could I would never do business with them based on their track record of how they run things. Sadly I must do business with them or I will go to jail. I hate hate hate hate hate hate socialism, and I feel that is is my right to fail miserably in life and business, and also I feel that it is my right to make so much money that I light 20 dollar bills on fire just because I think it is funny and I will not miss it. If I work hard I want my money to stay with me, and not be taken from me and given to the commonwealth of the world.* Also if I fail, I want to fail and pick MYSELF up, and hit life again.

With that said here is my take on the candidates. I REALLY dislike both of them, however I dislike one WAY more than the other.

1. McCain, John: A Democrat disguised as a Republican. I am having a hard time seeing the difference between the two parties now a days. It seems that Republicans are just Democrats that like Bankers. But I feel that he would not screw up the country beyond fixing. There are many many many things about him that I do not like for example, he is not good with Economics. I feel that right now the nation needs someone that help the Economy as it is in need of some big time help. I do however, feel that his foreign policy will be alright. I don't think he will allow the US to be bullied, and he will not kill the military.

2. Obama, Barrack: If you just looked at how the media treats this man you would think that he is our Savior. Here to save us all from the bad things of the world! I have so many problems with this man I am not even sure where I need to begin. What has the man done? Not much in his EXTREMELY short government history. He is a socialist in every sense of the word, and scares me to death what he will try to do with this country should he win. I am honest and truly scared of him winning. I will vote for McCain only because I am running away from Obama. Has nothing to do with the likability of McCain, just that I am terrified of Obama.

He twists things all the time to make them sound better than they are. He can inspire a large group of people, but he does not put any real substance to his speeches. He just uses the right words that invoke the kind of emotion that he wants from people. (just a quick note: inspiration should not be a good reason to vote for a man. Last I checked Hitler was pretty good at it too) He makes promises that can't be kept and people believe that he can for example:

"Barrack Obama promises to fast track alternate energy!" Uhhhh first of all do you really think that we are going slow on it? Last I checked there are lots and lots of people, groups, organizations that are going as fast as they can, and they could care less what the President says. IT sure does sound good though. "Fast Track" lets see if I can do it.. . . . oh I got one "I Chris Terrell promise that if you elect me president I will fast track our education policies." that was fun, I see why he does it all the time.

His new tax policy will raise it so much, that if you make over 250,000 dollars a year you will be taxed 57% did you catch that? 57% of you income will be TAKEN from you. That is 142,500 dollars taken from you, leaving you with 107,500. "Well the rich people don't really need that money, other much poorer and needier people need it, and they wont notice it anyway" or "they are just paying their fair share." I know I am going to sound like a hater but, I DON'T CARE!! If I make that money you can guarantee I worked my butt off for it, and I don't want anyone taking it from me! It is MINE!
When I look at him I see a man good at what he does and he knows it. Sadly what he does is not tell the truth or represent the people. He does, and will do what HE wants and that is all that matters to him.

So there you have it. I don't like either of them, but I think some things about Barrack Obama that I can't say on the Internet, but I think he is a lier, and a deceiver. His wife is awful, and he has constantly surrounded himself with terrible people. I hope he does not win, but if he does may God be with America because we will need him more than ever to hold it together.
I know I have been extremely harsh, and politically incorrect, but I am scared so badly of this man, that I must say what I can to whomever I can about this man. This is in no way an attack on his supporters. Like whom you please, but I will not like Obama.

*I think that it should be my choice whom I give money to, and I feel that it is my responsibility as a member of society, and because God told me to. I just don't want someone forcing to do so, and not giving me any say in it. I feel that wealthy people should give but it is still their choice.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Free Compean and Ramos!

The following is a transcript of the Glenn Beck Show from yesterday.


GLENN: We've added a lot of new stations and, you know, a lot of new people that, you know, are just, they stumbled in, they might have been drunk and the radio stuck on this station and then they're like, I can't turn it off now; I don't know what happened. And so now they're forced to listen. So there's a lot of people in the audience that doesn't -- they're not really even aware of some of the things that we have discovered on the Compean and Ramos case. These are the two border agents that were thrown in jail for what it looked like shooting somebody in the back or in the butt as they were running away, just this poor helpless victim and then trying to cover it up. That's what it looks like. That's what the government would like to have you believe. That is not the case.

We go to Tara Setmayer who has been on this case now for how long, Tara? Two years?

SETMAYER: Almost two years, yeah.

GLENN: And you and your illustrious boss in Washington have been on this case trying to set this right and so far you're beating your head against the wall. Let's start with the story, and if we could tell the story here in a five minute period here as much as you can, tell everybody the history of this case.

SETMAYER: Well, in February 2005 Ramos and Compean were on routine patrol down in Fabens, Texas along the border. A drug smuggler was detected -- well, they didn't know he was smuggling drugs yet. A border breach was detected by Compean, he radioed it in. They gave chase to a van, started to speed back toward the border. The individual, which is Aldrete Davila, he abandoned the van and decided to head for the border on foot. At the time other border patrol agents joined the pursuit and the drug smuggler confronted Compean on the other side of a drainage ditch on his way back to Mexico. At the time Compean tried to arrest him, he tried to apprehend him, they got into a scuffle and shots were fired. In the meantime Ramos is climbing down this drainage ditch to assist his fellow border agent. He hears shots fired. As he emerges, he sees Compean on the ground, he sees a drug smuggler running away. He shoots at him. He thinks he has a gun. He doesn't know what's happening. He shoots at him. He hits him, but he doesn't know he hit him because the guy kept running and escapes back to Mexico, where on the other side of the border there were other people waiting to pick him up and take him away.

As they walk back, they noticed that inside this van is a million dollars worth of marijuana, about 750 pounds. So other agents are on scene including two supervisors. The mistake they made, they did not orally report the shooting.

GLENN: But it's important at this point of the story to know that supervisors were on the scene.


GLENN: Others were there. It is almost a loophole there that they nailed them on and said, well, they didn't report the shooting. The idea was they didn't need to report the shooting. People were on the scene.

SETMAYER: That's right. And border patrol regulations state that they're only supposed to orally report it. That supervisor is supposed to file a written report. So this is a policy violation. It's not criminal. Well, three weeks go by. They catalog the drugs. You know, the guy absconded, he escaped to New Mexico. You know, routine day on the border so one would think. Anyone who knows or is familiar with what's going on in the southern border, it's a war zone there. So the fact that they weren't shot is actually a good thing.

A few weeks go by and we find out that the Department of Homeland Security has opened up an internal affairs investigation because the drug smuggler that they shot grew up with a border patrol agent in Arizona. The incident happened in Texas. Their families talk and they find out that Aldrete Davila has been shot by a border agent. So this agent in Arizona takes it upon himself to research what's going on, look for the shooting report.

GLENN: Okay. Stop for a second. This is an important thing for people to really focus on for just 10 seconds. A border agent who grew up with a drug smuggler in Mexico. Their families still talk. The drug smuggler called -- the drug smuggler's mother called the border agent and said, "My son's just been shot on the border," et cetera, et cetera. So you've got the connections now between the U.S. border agents and a drug smuggler. Now, it's never been -- nobody's ever accused this guy of being a dirty border agent, if I'm not mistaken, Tara, right?

SETMAYER: Oh, that's correct. No one questioned or investigated the nature of this relationship.

GLENN: Correct.

SETMAYER: I mean, he was best friends with the drug smuggler's brother. He accompanied the drug smuggler's sister on her 15th birthday. They have close ties.

So we move forward. No one seems to think anything's wrong with that. They move forward and Homeland Security opens up this investigation. They send Christopher Sanchez, who is the investigator, down to Fabens, Texas and they send him over into Mexico to find the drug smuggler. They offer him immunity, free border crossing cards and free healthcare to come back across the border and testify against Ramos and Compean.

Now, at this point Ramos and Compean are arrested, and I have to tell you that when they interviewed the other agents who were on scene, those other agents' stories changed dramatically from their initial version of events to what they testified to at trial. Basically they were all given proffer letters, which is some sort of an immunity deal after --

GLENN: We won't come after you.

SETMAYER: That's right, we won't come after you if you tell us the "Real" story.

GLENN: Right.

SETMAYER: Which was that Ramos and Compean shot an innocent guy as he was running away. Now, anyone who knows Ramos and Compean or just looks at the basic facts of this case, it's reasonable for them to believe this gentleman was armed. Sara Carter, who is a reporter who broke this story nationally, she interviewed Davila's family and they said that he's been running drugs since he was 14 years old and he was never seen without a gun.

Now, during the trial that image of Mr. Davila was completely changed. He was a poor innocent waif who was just smuggling drugs one time to pay for money for his sick mother's medicine -- to get money for his sick mother's medicine. We all know that that's not true. As a matter of fact, while he was under immunity waiting to testify against the agent, he smuggled another load of drugs four months before the trial. The government knew it and they went before the judge and asked all of that evidence to be sealed so the jury would never hear about it.

GLENN: Which is highly unusual when somebody is convicted -- or when somebody else is arrested again. During a trial usually that person is thrown out.

SETMAYER: Well, the interesting thing about this, Glenn, is that he actually was not arrested. According to the -- this is --

GLENN: I know.

SETMAYER: This is where it gets interesting. According to the DEA report which we were able to obtain, about six months after all hell broke loose, they had already been convicted and Johnny Sutton was denying that the October load ever happened and he was, you know, speaking in lawyer, lawyerly terms to try to deny that that had ever happened because it was all under seal. One day the DEA documents show up at my door and it was proof and it was a full account of what happened in October of 2005 before the trial. And what happened is that Davila was identified as dropping off a load of 800 pounds of drugs at a stash house in Texas. When the DEA and border patrol raided that stash house, they were told by the U.S. attorney's office that no one was to be taken into custody at that time. That came from Johnny Sutton's office. So it's very curious why they didn't pursue arresting anyone at the stash house even though they fully identified -- the occupants of that stash house fully identified Aldrete Davila as being the individual who dropped off that load of drugs. So no, technically he wasn't arrested. Why the hell not.

GLENN: Now, Johnny Sutton at the time said there weren't any of these cards that helped people go across the border and if he knew where he was, he would make sure that he was arrested and all of these things, which have all turned out to be false. Johnny Sutton I believe is a dirty official and I believe the dirt and the grime go all the way to the President of the United States. I think this is a -- my spider senses, everything in me tells me something isn't right. But to try to get anybody to talk is impossible. I've talked to several people who have been instrumental in this case and other cases like it, who have been -- who are instrumental at the highest levels that are now starting to say, "Wait a minute, you know what, I was part of, you know, X, Y and Z and now I see I've been lied to and being used and we're in real trouble because there's something else going on. But they won't go on the air because some of these people are still sitting in those positions and they are trying to figure out what it is. But they are looking.

SETMAYER: Glenn, let me tell you. When we first start -- when members of congress first started to raise the profile of this case a year and a half ago, right before the agents had to report for it to begin their prison terms in January, there were a lot of very strange things going on, including the fact that Department of Homeland Security officials lied to four Texas members of congress.

GLENN: This is where I got involved.

SETMAYER: Yes. This is in September of 2006 when members of congress first started to investigate, they asked for a briefing from Homeland Security to say, okay, what's really going on here. Well, those Homeland Security officials told those members of congress that, one, Ramos and Compean confessed; two, they knew the guy was unarmed; and three, that they said they wanted to shoot some Mexicans that day. Well, that didn't sit too well with those members of congress. So they asked for proof of these allegations. And guess what, that proof never happened. And for four and a half months after that, the official report of investigation that was used to prosecute these gentlemen was not released. It hadn't even been finished yet, which is highly unusual. And it took members of congress complaining and going public about it for the Homeland Security department to finally release the report of investigation which they did under classified -- it was classified first. And then we said, that's not acceptable. So they released a redacted version. And guess what. None of what they claimed was in that report.

GLENN: Didn't the -- didn't the head of Homeland Security or one of the head guys of Homeland Security actually say in testimony in congress that you had been -- congressman, I'm sorry, you have been misled?

SETMAYER: Yes. He said misinformed. It was the inspector general Richard Skinner. He was being questioned by congressman John Culberson and that was his response: Well, I'm sorry, but you were misinformed. Well, you know, where I come from, that's called a lie.

GLENN: Yeah. Now, Tara Setmayer is with Congressman Rohrabacher and she and the congressman has been on this nonstop. Congressman is going to join us tone. In a few minutes I'm going to play some audio. Dan, is this the first time this audio has been heard? Okay. You probably have not heard this audio most likely. It is audio from the jurors saying, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. If I would have known these things about the drug smuggler, things would have been wildly different." And it shows how -- because remember, "The jurors have spoken. Don't you believe in the rule of law?" No, not when the rule of law has been so turned upside down on its head. Justice is justice. You've got to make sure that it is equally applied and there's not something else going on. There is something else going on. We're going to give you that audio which has not been heard and has not been played on this program until today. We will give you this audio here in just a second. And also somebody who has been very, very close to this case with some more insight coming up in just a minute. But also when -- Tara, when we come back, Tara actually had to speak to Compean and Ramos yesterday. It was just Ramos yesterday that you spoke to?

SETMAYER: Yes, just Ramos.

GLENN: And she broke the news to him. Remember, he's in solitary confinement, quote, for his own protection. We will get that story from her coming up in just a second. Don't miss a second of the next few minutes on the Glenn Beck program.


GLENN: Tara, yesterday -- we've got about two minutes. Tell me what happened yesterday afternoon when you had to deliver the news yesterday afternoon that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had denied the appeal for Compean and Ramos?

SETMAYER: Now, I had my normal status call scheduled already yesterday and we got the decision about 30 minutes before I had to speak to Nacio and so, I being sure that his lawyer was on the phone, because I honestly couldn't bring myself to break the news to him but I was on the call and it was devastating. It was one of the most difficult conversations I've ever had to endure. Nacio was crushed. You know, he was obviously upset and his biggest concern was, Tara, what can you do to get me out of solitary confinement. These gentlemen are enduring conditions worse than prisoners of Guantanamo Bay. He is in a cell 23 hours of 24 hours a day. He is not allowed on weekends. He is not allowed to watch television. He is not allowed to socialize with anyone. He is in the hole.

GLENN: He does, he does listen to the radio, right?

SETMAYER: He does.

GLENN: He does listen to this program?

SETMAYER: He does. He's listening to this program. And Nacio, we're fighting for you. We're going to do what we can to get you out of there and keep your head up because the American people are behind you and members of congress are behind you and we're going to do whatever we can to get you out of there.

GLENN: You know, Nacio, I know you're listening. It is -- I, last week, what is it, two weeks ago I actually spent some time with your wife and it was -- I didn't take it lightly when I looked her in the eye and said, there's a lot of us fighting. There's a lot of us that believe in this cause and we are not going to give up. And it was something that you don't say lightly to somebody who has somebody in prison for something that you believe is an unjust verdict but I tell you it is a sentiment that runs through a large sector of our society that is aware of this case.

SETMAYER: Well, Glenn, I agree with you and it's amazing to me how the President and Johnny Sutton can sleep at night if they looked into the eyes of the wives and the children of these agents, I can't imagine they would feel the same way. I can't believe, was it really worth it for them.

GLENN: Tara, we will talk to you again and thank you so much for your hard work. And we'll also give you an opportunity to speak directly to Nacio Ramos coming up on the program here.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Letter from a soldier about Obama's visit

This is a letter that I was given from a soldier currently serving overseas. His views about Senator Obama's visit is most interesting.

*disclaimer: The name of the soldier has been removed from the bottom of the letter so as to not have his name smeared on the web, and this is a real letter from a family friend, and not just some stupid chain letter that gets passed around to the point where no one knows if it is even real or not.  Just to clear up any thoughts of this being a fake letter.

Hello everyone,
As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to 'The War Zone'. I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram.

As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service.

So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you.

I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States. I just don't understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country.

If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he
really is. What you see in the news is all fake.

In service,
CPT ------ --- ------
Battle Captain
TF Wasatch
American Soldier

Monday, July 21, 2008

Obama supporters please post

Now I know with the introduction of google reader that less and less people are inclined to post on different blogs, when they no longer need to visit the site. However, I have a question that I would like to have answered by Obama supporters because I can not seem to find the answer.

My question is.

What is Obamas policies? What is this Change that he is promising?

All I ever hear from him is change, but I don't really ever hear what he is proposing that is that different that anyone else? Other than the fact that there are a few things that are a lot more left than pretty much anyone else, he is just the same in policies.

Also I have on more thing that I would like answered.

How come he changes his mind on policies and stands all the time?

I see this as a sign that he does not really know what he wants, he does not have the experience to be able to make firm resolutions and see all of the facts. I know that some of the time he changes his mind because he learns something new or sees a different perspective that changes his opinion, but someone more experienced would not have that happen to them near as often as he does. He seems to me to see things very narrowly, and does not really appear to know what he is talking about when it comes to real world application of ideas and policies.

So again if there is any Obama supporter that can tell me the answer to my question then please post it, or let me know where your blog is so I can go and read it.

Again the questions are.

What is his policies on anything?
What is the change that he keeps promising?

Side note, explain this video while you are at it. He seems awful wishy washy to me.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Check it out!

There is a new great blog in town.

smacked stupid

Check it out. nuff said.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Amazing Grace a little history

Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound
That saved a wretched like me

These are words that many of us know well. Amazing grace is a wonderful song, and is such a powerful song. The following video is one of the most powerful renditions of this I have ever heard. The man is powerful, and he gives some great history.

Now I know that many of you will not want to take the time to watch this, however I assure you it is worth the time, and when it is over you will be glad you watched it. (note this was done in Carnegie hall if that gives the guy any more credit)


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Nazis of DC

So for my Wedding my wife and I went to take wedding shots at the Washington DC Monuments. We both love DC a great deal, and we thought that I would make for some really great shots. However, you think that you would be able to just walk up and take pictures just like all of the other 9000000 people that are there everyday. NOPE! not true. We learned that you have to have a permit to take professional pictures there. What constitutes as professional? Ones you pay for. Makes me wonder if I had just not paid her if I could have done it for free.

Fortunately for us (us being The Girl and I) we learned that you have to have one of these handy pieces of paper before our wedding day. 100$ dollars later had a one day pass to take pictures. Now there are some more catches to this.

1. you can't just take pictures anywhere. Places like Arlington Cemetery are off limits. Kinda morbid for wedding shots so we were not too sad about that one. Also monuments like the one that you see here. You can only take them on the outside pillars, and you can't be inside them. We did it anyway, but not without getting caught by the Nazis. I'll tell you some more about them in a minute. You also can't get the actual statue of Jefferson in the shots.

There are a whole other slew of rules, and don't worry they give you this nice big packet full of diagrams, and rules for you to follow. This is a Government thing we are talking about here, so it is a lot of them. Also most of them are just kinda dumb.

catch number 2. You must deal with the Monument Nazis. There are these people that roam the monuments looking for wayward, and misguided tourist to whip back into shape. They are the security guards. We learned that there are two kinds of them there. they are:

1. Those that are making sure people stay out of trouble
2. Those that "take the job to seriously" (as quoted by a member of number one)

The people of group number 1 are great. They kindly make sure that we have a permit, some of them just ask and that is enough. They also say nice things, and make sure to let us know that there are people of the sort that fall into the number 2 category.

The people in number two are. . . Nazis. They were so bad that one of them told our photographer that she needs to hold her backpack on her, and that she is not allowed to leave it on the ground. He said an unattended bag is not allowed. So apparently 6 feet away from an open camera bag, while holding a camera aimed at two people is appropriate wedding attire is not enough to dictate that the bag is not "unattended." Then the guy proceeded to watch us, as we so kindly ignored his moronic request.

There were other stories of them such as making sure that we were not standing in the wrong place. One guard yelling to another Giraud to run and check us for permits, and one even tackled me after I dripped some sweat from my brow onto a bench. OK I made up that last one, but it would not have surprised me if it happened.

However even with the DC Nazis it was a great experience. I highly recommend getting wedding shots done at the DC monuments. The tourist are great. They take pictures of you, and I mean it is blatant, like from 4 feet away they are aiming them in your face. My beautiful bride was even filmed for bit. People would honk and yell congratulations from the road, and a tour bus full of people even applauded us! All in all it was great. As soon as I get the pics I will post some of them up for all to see.
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Monday, June 9, 2008

Cap and Trade and gas prices

Cap and Trade is not a good idea, and it will probably cause our gas prices to rise some more. Do you like 4 dollar + a gallon all the time? I hope so cause if it passes that is what you will get at some point.

Also I say Drill in Alaska. The Environmentalist and people in Washington are going to bankrupt many many companies, and people are not going to be able to buy things they need because,

A. it cost too much

B. I used up all my money in gas to get to the store to find out it cost to much.

Really, think about it. Just just find the most environmentally friendly way to drill for oil in AK, and then lets drill the heck out of it!(and anywhere else for that matter) Don't wait for the perfect way to drill, it is not there and it will take to long to find.

I mean come on! Is it really that hard to see that we are not fixing the problem? Flex fuel, and Bio fuels. . . . ok that was not a good idea. Many people are starting to see that now. I am not sure if I have a blog on here or not that talks about it (i'll have to check, and see, I have wrote one though) but I said a while ago that it was not the answer, and I have never supported it. All bio fuels did was rise the price of corn and other foods. I am all for new technology to help us. I do drive a hybrid, and I love the fuel Econ of that thing. I don't really care that I kill less polar bears, but I like that I pay less then you do for a tank of gas and still go farther than you do. Anyway not the point. The point is I like technology helping us out. But it is not going to do it fast enough. We need the gas prices to go down so that we can make it. We need money to spend developing new technology.

Is it really going to ever get any better? Is it really going to help to have a new president or are the same problems (or heaven forbid worse ones) going to still hang around? Is it really over four dollars a gallon for gas here? (yes it is)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Yea, Sure this is a fair country.

This is copied from the Washington Post.


Full Up, Fed Up On God's Avenue

Along Crowded 16th St., Residents And Congregations Turn a Cold Shoulder To Mormons' Plans For a Church With A 105-Foot Steeple

[Map: Churches along 16th Street in Washinton, D.C.]
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, May 24, 2008; Page B01

If 16th Street is famous for leading straight to the White House, it is also God's Boulevard, with at least 45 congregations lining the seven-mile stretch between Lafayette Square and Silver Spring.

But love thy neighbor? Not this time.

The Mormon church's plan to build another house of worship, one with a steeple-topped tower that will rise 105 feet, is inspiring less-than-holy thoughts among residents who recoil at the prospect of a new flock traversing their streets.

It's not just the traffic and parking congestion that they predict the Mormons will bring to 16th Street Heights, their lush residential neighborhood north of Mount Pleasant. And never mind that the area already has a dozen or so congregations, not to mention a host of other institutions such as schools and day-care centers.

But a tower that's the equivalent of 10 stories high?

"What are they trying to prove?" said Stuart Peacock, a lawyer who resides around the corner, his narrowing eyes punctuating his disgust. "It's too much."

Gloria Eblan, a software engineer who lives across from the property, at 16th and Emerson streets NW, envisions the kind of raucousness associated with a throbbing nightclub, not a church. She insists that a jackhammer-thumping construction project, followed by a weekly parade of chattering congregants will disturb her ever-precious peace.

"I don't want to come off as the anti-Christ, because I'm not. I just have my apprehensions," said Eblan, a crucifix around her neck. "The noise is going to drive me crazy. We're just trying to live our lives."

Dozens of homeowners have expressed opposition to the new church with lawn signs that read, "Too Big, Too Much, Too Many." And the Mormons are finding little support from the neighborhood's clergy, including one pastor who said his objection is rooted not in architecture, but theology.

"They don't accept Jesus as the Messiah; they accept him as the prophet," said Edward Wilson, pastor at Church of Christ, a block from the Mormon site. "It's wrong, I disagree with it, and I wouldn't want them in the neighborhood."

Mormon leaders have been surprised by the opposition, in part because so many churches are located there. But they said they're confident that their reception will improve once they build their two-story brick church, which will host two Sunday services and seat 240. The church will offer underground and aboveground parking, which the Mormons promise will minimize the congregation's affect on the neighborhood.

As for the steeple's height, they said it is a stylistic flourish necessary for an attractive church. "If you take out the steeple, it looks like a big home," said Jeffrey Holmstead, an environmental lawyer who serves as first counselor for the Mormons' Washington stake. "We want something that will be a credit to our church and the community."

The Mormon's tower would dwarf the neighborhood's detached homes, many of which are two and three stories, as well as nearby congregations, although the Sixth Presbyterian Church, a few blocks north, rises to about 90 feet.

Yet the Mormon's tower would be shorter than other congregations, such as the 160-foot All Souls Church, a mile south at 16th and Harvard streets NW. There are several soaring steeples at that broad intersection, which is also home to several apartment buildings. And the Mormons' design is a veritable afterthought compared with their Silver Spring temple, which is 288 feet tall, or the National Cathedral, which reaches 301 feet.

Lawrence Cook, a Falls Church architect who designs churches, said a common guideline is that steeples or towers should be up to twice the height of the building's roofline. By that standard, he said, the Mormons' tower is more than appropriate. In fact, he said after seeing a rendering, "It's too low. It looks like it sunk into the ground a bit.''

Congregations have migrated to 16th Street since the early 1800s, when St. John's Church opened on Lafayette Square, across from the White House, and became known as the "Church of the Presidents."

As the city evolved, and wealthy homeowners gravitated to the 16th Street corridor for its proximity to power, an eclectic mix of congregations followed, from Baptists to Episcopalians, from Jews to Buddhists, a roster that reaches 75 if adjoining streets are included. Some denominations have built national headquarters along 16th Street to enhance their stature, including the D.C. Baptist Convention and the National Church of the Nazarene.

"The congregations are like anything else, they're competing for membership," said David Maloney, the District's state historic preservation officer. "The logical place to locate was 16th Street."

But 16th Street has also been a decidedly residential strip, and homeowners over the years have railed about the encroachment of not only churches but organizations such as day-care centers and schools, particularly those that take over properties once occupied by families.

Just north of where the Mormons are moving, a civic association in 1994 protested the migration of such institutions. District officials responded by adding a bureaucratic hurdle, requiring a special permit for groups using a property for anything but a residence along 16th Street, between Colorado and Military roads.

"If you left your house on a Sunday morning to get bagels, when you came back there would be no parking," said Ellen McCarthy, a consultant to the community group, who was also the District's planning director. "The expectation is that one can enjoy the neighborhood without people coming and going to dances, without loud conversations on the street, without Bible studies or AA meetings."

No such protections exist in the Mormons' new neighborhood, which they said they chose after searching for more than eight years. The Mormons paid $4 million for a 1.5-acre corner site, which had been occupied by a convent.

"It was hard to find something in the city, because there's so much development," said Gordon Daines, the project manager. "Every time we'd go look at something, someone else would get it."

At first residents paid little attention, assuming that the Mormons would move into the nuns' building. But then a demolition team showed up and cleared the property. "Everyone was in shock," said Doreen Thompson, an attorney for the District's Taxicab Commission, who lives across the street. "Can you imagine the trucks just rolling in?"

After the Mormons unveiled their plans, the neighbors organized a coalition, started a Web site, and printed 250 lawn signs, most of which they say they have distributed. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D), who lives a block from the site, has not put up a sign, though he has listened to the opponents' concerns.

Residents are lobbying the District to extend the protections granted to the neighborhood to the north. Without the city's intervention, however, their capacity for stopping the church is limited because the Mormons do not need a zoning variance. Still, said Thompson, "We would hope that a church would be sensitive to us."

The Mormons, Holmstead said, are happy to talk about the building's design, including the tower's height. But he questioned whether a revision would "get us any good will with the neighbors."

The Mormons are not without support in the neighborhood, at least from one pastor who says residents opposed his church when it moved into a sanctuary on Colorado Road in 1986. "They tried to run me out but I pressed on," said Bishop Harvey Lewis, of the Star of Bethlehem Church of God in Christ. "I exercised my rights and my desires to move my church there, and the other brother has the same right."

True enough, acknowledged Barbara Flowers, a retired public school principal, sitting on her stoop a few blocks from the site. But her priority, she said, is far less lofty. When she drives to her church, Zion Baptist, around the corner from the Mormon property, will there be enough street parking?

Flowers shrugged and glanced at her husband, Hamilton, as she tried to summon biblical wisdom.

"If we can't agree . . .' What is that saying?" she asked.

"We will bless each other," Mr. Flowers said, "and go on our merry way."

Staff researcher Meg Smith contributed to this report.

Monday, May 12, 2008

God Bless America - Just Words!! (This Blog may offend and is political, This is your warning!)

I hate you!! their just words, they don't mean anything. I want to hang out this Friday. Just words, they don't mean anything. I hope that you guys that are reading this think that I am nuts, cause well. . . .I am!!! Sure they are "just words" but words are attached with meaning, and with power when they are spoken. They are something that can not be unheard once heard. There are some words, both positive and negative, that once heard, can not be forgotten and will be remembered for the test of time.

They are just actions. Don't look at my left hand, watch my right. The left hand means nothing. As a magician I often times need to get people to look at one hand and not the other. If they look at the other hand, the trick is ruined cause they either saw what I was doing or they now can see it coming so the excitement is now lost, and no longer magical. A good trick has misdirections, false promises, illusions, deception, hope, good acting, stage appearance, and a twist at the end that you didn't see coming.

Well my friends, all of us here in the Good Ol'e US of A are in the process of having a magic trick played on us, and it is the biggest trick of all. It is something that even though you are unaware of it, you are involved. If we don't "ruin" the trick we are going to be duped, and we are going to feel really foolish, and think to ourselves, "where did that come from?"

The following link is a video that will open your eyes just a little to something that is right in front of you and you may or may not even see it. Please watch this, and you will see what I am talking about.

Now before I give you the link I want to clear something up. I DO believe that words mean something, that words do have power, and that actions can speak even louder than words at times. I think that hateful words should not be directed at people, and even more so to the people that matter the most in your life. There are just some words that should not be used to describe how you feel when talking about or to an individual. Once a word is said it can not be taken back. A wise man once taught me, "you can only shut-up once."

Watch the video, and please see what is happening, and that words do indeed mean something.

Vote for this man and you will be tricked

Is it really that important to watch a persons words? Is it really a persons actions that speak louder than what a person is saying sometimes? I leave those answers up to you.

Friday, April 25, 2008

To clear up some misconceptions

I am engaged to the most wonderful girl a guy could hope for. Not only am I getting married, but I am getting married to my Best Friend. I know many of you are like, "yea I would hope she is your best friend." or "Yea my husband is my best friend too." but it is not like we just started dating and became friends as a result. We were best friends for a while before we started dating. There is no one that I would rather spend eternity with than her.

As I have been engaged I am learning that there are a lot of misconceptions about being engaged. Some of them are mine, and some of them are others. I will address some of both.

1. It is all fun and exciting. (mine)

Yes this is true to some extent, but they forget to let you know about all of the stresses that can be involved in planning to get married. Like where will you live, mixing finances, parents, picking a day that makes everyone happy, where to register (that one at times is really a lot of fun though), and the fact that everyone and their dog has an opinion about how you should do it. When on Earth will we get the time to do everything, now that we have moved up our Wedding a month and a half almost. There are others but I will stop there. The point is, there is a lot to get done, and for LDS people we tend to get married kind of fast, so that means that it needs to be done in a very short amount of time.

2. You are different and you don't want to spend time with us anymore. (what others say)

This one is more of a misunderstanding than anything. Allow me to paint a picture of my life. I work out of town 4 hours away for almost half of the month. So, 15 to 20 days a months I am gone, not here, can't be seen. Let me tell ya, when you are engaged it sucks to be gone like that. But alas that is life, and that is how I bring home money, so it must be done.

As a byproduct of this, when I get home I have three things I want to do above all else:

1. Spend time with my fiancee whom I have just spent days apart from.

2. Plan our wedding and two out of state receptions.

3. Wash my clothes from the week.

4. Yea I know I said three but here is a fourth, I often have work to do still when I am home.

Some people complain that I don't have time for them, or that I don't do anything fun anymore. Maybe I don't have time for some other people, but trust me I have plenty of fun. Some people have recently become quite frustrated that I don't ever do anything anymore, and that all I think about is my wedding, or people say that I have changed, and that I don't care about my friends anymore. Well let me clear all of that up for you.

I am about to be married, which means I am about to have a wife. Included in marriage is giving up single life. And I couldn't be happier to leave it.

I also want to clear up something else as well.

I never want to hear anyone blame my soon to be wife for me not doing something. If I don't do something it is because I chose to not do so, and not because she made me. Because it is time for me to grow up just a little bit more, and prioritize all of my life. She is not a controlling person that dictates what I can and cannot do. In fact she is exactly the opposite. However we do talk to each other about EVERYTHING. If I am going to go grocery shopping I tell her. Not because I have to, but because we are 100% involved in each others lives and we want to, and very soon our lives will become just that, OURS, combined forever.

I love this girl more than anything in the whole world. I know that this may seem odd to some people but, I would rather spend time with her than doing anything else. Period. She wins 100% of the time. Why? Because I love her, and I want to be with her. Not because she makes me do it. She never makes me choose, she just lets me make my own choices, and she knows that I will choose her all the time.

Is is not acceptable for someone to talk negative about my soon to be wife in any form. I will not stand for it, and I will not associate with anyone that does so. I will not associate with someone that does not like my soon to be wife. (think about that, if I did, what kind of message does that send to her if I do?) It is not appropriate to talk negative about me making the most important choice of my life, and also the happiest moment of my life. Guys, I am about to be sealed to my best friend whom I love more than anything, for all time and all eternity. That is such a wonderful thing. Some of you may not even comprehend how great that is. And the last thing is, it is not ok to think that I will do something without her, or at least without consulting her. I just will not do so, period. I will not go hang out with girls without her there, even if they are married or there are guys there. It is just NOT appropriate to do so, plain and simple. So if there are girls at all, and she is not with me. I am not going, sorry.

I am not going to be one of those husbands that talks bad about my wife or complains about my marriage while I am not with her. If I have a problem you all can promise that I will not talk to you about it. Not even my parents will hear about it. So don't ask, and don't try to get me to talk negative. If I have a problem I will talk to her, and vise versa.

To some of you that all makes sense, and to some of you that may not. The point is, I hope that one day all of you feel this way about someone very special. I hope that one day everyone that reads this blog will realize that they have someone extremely special in their life, and or that you will one day have someone and that you should always treat that person right. Also I hope that you'll realize that what I am saying is right.

Love you all and I hope everyone is doing well. I am sad that I don't have the time to spend with everyone that I used to, but a new phase in my life is beginning, and I have a lot on my plate right now. I wish that I could make everyone, and everything a priority, but there is one person that will not be shortchanged when it comes to my time, energy, attention, and devotion, and that is The Girl, so as mentioned before, she wins. All the time!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Unions? Yea they suck!

Anyone that talks to me about what I do for longer than 5 minutes will hear about the nightmare of a Union that I have the pleasure of dealing with on a regular basis. Over the course of the last few months I have developed some very strong opinions about unions. In a nutshell I think they suck and that they need to be done away with and or they need to not be allowed to have so much power.

As an self employed person, and one of an entrepreneur type mindset I have very strong feelings on how business's should be run, regulated, and monitored. I am going to try my best to not get on a tangent and stay on the topic of Unions and why I just plain don't like them.

My Fiancee (The Girl) has a blog and she does something that I like and I am going to steal. She gives nicknames to people so that she can talk about them and not use their real names. So as time moves on and I write more and more about my opinions about where I work I am going to start using nicknames. First I am going to establish two names.

1. The Company - My Client that I am doing work for.
2. The Union - always with caps on "The" and "Union". This is the dreadful Union that The Company has a contract with.

When I came to work with The Company I did not really know much about unions, and how they worked. I knew a little bit but in my life I had no reason to interact with one, so I never really learned firsthand about them, and what kind of problems that they can cause. As time has moved on I have learned what the phrase "Welcome to ________(Company name)" means. It is something that can not be told, you can only experience it for yourself.

Please allow me to try to paint a picture of some of the stupid things that the union does. Today was trash pickup day in my office. Here at The Company we pick up trash twice a week and today is that day when I can get my waste that I so proudly created removed from my office. Now as I am one of the people that does all of the workloading, and developing of new policies, and procedures I don't want my office to be accesses by the workers that I am directly effecting. It is not that I don't trust the workers, it is just I don't . . . .ok I don't trust them, but if you were me you would as well. So when Gaps (another nickname) came into my little office suite to get my trash I kindly walked out of my office with my trash can in hand to hand to Gaps to dispose of it. I was working on her work route at the time, and I did not want her to go into my office with all of that strewn about my office. Now there where three other people in the suite, (try to keep these ones straight) F man, someone not worth getting a nickname, and Snake. Snake is a Union Shop Steward. I still to this day am not really sure what that job is other than to piss me off and everyone else at The Company. He thinks that he is the most high and mighty person that walks on the planet, and he knows all things (oh if he only knew how much he is ticking off the higher ups at The Company) Anyway I am standing there with my trash can in hand ready to give it to Gaps, (who is two feel away) and Snake looks over and says,

"you know she could do that for you" referring to me letting her get my trash.

I reply "I know, I don't want anyone in my office so I am giving it to her"

He looks kinda annoyed that I did not listen to him and says "that is bargain business and she can do it" (I am not really sure what that means but anyway)

So I decided to be a punk, and knowing that he wanted me to walk all the way back to my office and replace my container so that she could go and get it, I just stared at him for a moment, and placed the container at my feet. He looked happy and ticked at the same time. It was worth it too see that kinda of reaction.

Now why do I tell that story? Well the concept that he was trying to prove was that I am taking and union persons job. . . . . .ok. . . . . uhhh she is still going to take my trash, and I am positive that there is no shortage of work for her to do. I know cause I am the one that builds and designs it for the site.

Unions prevent me from taking care of my good workers, and punishing those that need it. you can work your tail off every day for years, and when a better spot opens up that other guy that sleep in his closet everyday gets it. Why? Because he was there 6 weeks longer than you. So why would you work hard if you get nothing in return for it? Slowly most of the good workers after getting passed up again and again quit working hard, and they become the lazy closet sleeper, and hall walkers that at they at one point hated so much. They do this cause there is just no motivation to work hard.

We had some great programs that we wanted to roll out that would really be good for The Union workers, and The Companies interest as well. The Union Leaders denied it, cause they knew that it would make it much harder for us, and would cause more problems. Last I checked when you caused problems for your boss you get fired right? Not with a Union, you just say. Oh I'm sorry how foolish of me and then you walk away.

Well I am done venting for now about unions. I know I did not really talk about unions as much as I did a personal experience but I will later. I am bored about blogging about politics.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

This should be interesting

Hands are an interesting thing. human hands especially are an interesting thing, they allow us to do all sorts of different things. Anything from creating magnificent works of art, to punching some jerk square in the gut. It is an intricate and magnificent creation.

We have 10 fingers (most of us do as least) and 2 of them are thumbs. Each Thumb is controlled my 9 different muscles. The thumb is a really great part about our hands. Julius Caesar recognized this. During the Gallic wars, Julius Caesar ordered the thumbs of captured warriers amputated so that when they returned to their country, they would serve as examples and be unable to bear arms again. This practice was later used in a number of wars and in the slave trade. Who knew huh? Now as great as a thumb is it can sure be annoying when you hurt it. Like if you jam it, or if you break it you will find that life kinda sucks without the full use if one.

We also have fingernails. Yea I know I, Capitan Obvious, just pointed that out to you. They are wonderful, but some people just don't seem to think so. They seem to be so against them that they chew and rip them off every chance they get. Who knew that fingernails could be such tasty little moursels of delight. Well I don't really think so as I am a nail biter, not to a huge extent, I just don't like them long. I don't bite till I bleed or go too short or anything like that. Yes I know it is gross, and I need to stop. Maybe I can get my fiance to help me with that one. She seems to be able to help me with many other things. Did you know that your thumb nail grows that slowest and your middle fingernail grows the fastest?

Be glad you have hands. Lets look at some other creatures that the Good Lord did not bless to have hands.

-Worms, they just can't seem to get ahead in life without hands. Perhaps if they got some hands they would not have to come up from the ground to the concrete only to be squished by 3 year olds that think it is fun. Ok, so that would not matter probably, but you never know it might.

-Snakes. They at least have a good mouth for biting things, so they got something. If they had hands they just might be a lot more scary.

-Walruses. They have flippers but no hands. poor creatures.

-Flipper. ok well, dolphins, but to me all dolphins are flipper.

-spiders. Soooo if they had hands this world make the world a much scarier place. I can barely stand them now when they don't have hands. If they did, and could open doors and stuff that would SUCK.

So that is enough, just be happy that you have hands, and also that you not only have one but you have two of them. If you have three, maybe you should cut it off, and give it to someone who has only one. That is just not fair for you to have three. Unless of course you have 9 kids, then you deserve one more.