Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So You Support Obama

Not sure who to vote for during this election year?  Not sure who has your interest at heart and wants the same things you want?  Well I have one thing that may help you.

I am only aware of this one for Obama.  If someone knows of something similar to this for McCain than by all means let me know so I can add it on the Blog.

If you want feel free to post your results.

I disagree with him 96% of the time.  So I guess I am not voting for him.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Media Is Bias

Before I get started on this topic I want to be VERY clear about one thing.  I am a conservative.  I am for small government, and I am not in any way for the progressive socialist movement. 

The last few months I have been just absolutely disgusted by the mainstream media.  They have been so biased, and I think that as the years play out and time passes people will look back at the media today and they will be using it as a lesson as what we should try to avoid in the future. 

The Media has become so arrogant, that they send the message that they have the power to decide what is right and what is important.  The word “fair” has no meaning any more.  You can see it time and again, and the last few months with this Presidential election it is more apparent than ever.  The way the media has been talking about Obama is amazing.  They treat him like he is the greatest man on the earth, and he can do no wrong.

Obama is the epitome of political correctness.  He is smooth, good looking, a great public speaker, Muslim background, Black, and White at the same time.  He has got it goin on, and of course he can do no wrong.  He has said things that if they were said by anyone else they would have ruined themselves.  He has said things like,

she is a typical white person

“Clinging to god or religion as a means to vent their frustrations”

However thanks to Obama he has opened the door for other people to say things, and when the media jumps ALL OVER THEM we can kindly direct them to how they let Obama get away with saying racist and elitist things.  Obama is not a typical black person.  I can go into details about it but I don’t think that I need to do so.  I have no beefs with the fact that he said it.  I see nothing wrong with what he said because it is true.  There are such things as a typical white person.  I don’t think that the typical white person today is racist like he was implying with the above quote, but I would count myself as one of them (the typical (non racist) white person).  The problem I have is the fact that the media lets him get away with it for reasons I don’t understand, and if someone else like John McCain said the opposite like “typical black person,” it would never disappear. 

I am ok with Obama being treated like the messiah, but I don’t like that he gets it with no basis for it.  I no doubt believe that Obama is an honorable man, but I don’t think he is as good as the media is portraying.  EVERYONE makes mistakes, and we ALL have problems in life.  It is ok to have them, and I would have a problem if one did not have any.  Obama is never portrayed to have them, and if one does they are squelched by the media very quickly.  McCain is played out to have nothing but problems.  I do not believe that is true. 

This is not supposed to be an Anti-Obama Blog and I am sorry that is has that spin, but as I said I am a conservative.  It is supposed to be about the media bias.  The last week the unthinkable happened.  I became 3 times more disgusted with the media than I was before.  When Sarah Palin was picked to be McCain’s VP the media went on a frenzy. It is apparent that the media does not like to be surprised.  They probably feel that they should have had the chance to vet all of the potential people, and when someone off of their radar was picked what did they do?  They went NUTS!  They had nothing prepared.  No one did but a few, and those people had nothing but good things about her and that would just simply not do.  Mainstream media was embarrassed.  We are not supposed to make our own choices on how we feel about a person!  The Media is supposed to do it for us!  What was McCain thinking not letting the Media make the choices on if she was good or not?  Well I am glad that he did. 

Just in case you don’t know.  The McCain campaign intentionally kept this a secret.  There was not a whole lot of communication so that the media could not get a sniff of it.  The face to face meeting prior to the selection was made in secret, and when she was brought down for the official announcement she was brought down on a normal commercial airline and stayed in an $89 a night motel, and was checked in under a different name.  Was this fair?  I don’t know, and quite honestly I don’t freakin care!  The Media will say that this was not a fair way to do this, but who cares what they think.

The Obama campaign has such a grip over McCain in the media of course the McCain campaign is going to play this out right to upstage Obama as best as they can.  They let us all know about this choice right after Obama’s speech and totally blew him out of the news.  It was great.  There was nothing on this person out there,  and for a couple of days I had all the time I needed to my research on this lady and find out who she is, and what she stands for without having to wade through all of the bias media mud.  The Media did not like this at all because if one did this they would probably like her, and I mean a lot.

One would find that she is just like us.  She is what Obama and Biden pretend to be.  She is real, and knows what life is like for the rest of us.  So as this happened what did the media do?  They posted awful things, and got dirty in their tactics.  Attacking her family, making false outrages claims with no proof whatsoever.  I am not going to say what they were, as you can do a Google search and find out all of them in about 5 seconds.  They had nothing prepared on how to tear her down as a person and as a politician so they had to get dirty about it. 

I just hope that as the weeks play on that the media will calm down and take a more fair, and honorable approach on how they deliver the news to us.  There are some people that due to what they have done I will not even watch because I am so disgusted at how poorly they go about News Broadcasting.  It is ok to like one person more than another and to let it come out in your message, but please be more honorable and fair in how you do it.

If you want to attack her, than attack her.  Leave her family out of it.  We had to do it for the Clintons with Chelsea.  I just want to see some sort of fairness on the news.  I am talking about within the same organization.  MSNBC could perhaps try to be a little fairer in what they say about the republicans in contrast to the democrats.  MSNBC and the New York Times are the absolute worst about biasness.  They are so bad about it, and it is so obvious.

In 3 days the New York Times carried 67 articles attacking Sarah Palin. Everything from "she's no Hillary"; to her hair looks "20 years out of date"; to "her Fargo accent"; mentioning her husband DUI charge from TWENTY-TWO YEARS ago; attacking her 17 year old pregnant daughter; bringing up "trooper gate" without key details, and on and on. Maybe a little over the top? Barack Obama has been on the cover of Time Magazine SEVEN times this year alone...McCain, twice. Obama stories have outnumbered McCain news stories by almost 4-1 in the media.

I am going to conclude with one example of how different the media can be.  Just with a simple picture.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin RNC Speech

I found it!  here is the speech from last night.  You also read the transcript below it.

Enjoy.  Well worth the watch.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I have SPS Really Bad

Man I have a wicked case of SPS (Sarah Palin Syndrome).  The more I learn about this woman the more I am filled with hope for the future of this country.  The more I see and hear about this woman the more and more I like her.

Tonight I watched her give an AMAZING speech!  At the Republican National Convention she gave a speech so amazing I was cheering at home for her.  She is Real, and I can identify with this person.  When I look and Obama and or Biden, there is absolutely NOTHING I can identify with.  They try to make him out to the a man of the people, and that Biden is just like us.  Well I am here to tell you that they are not, unless you make LOTS of money a year.  Like 4 million last year to keep up with Obama.  They don't have a clue what my life is like.

When Palin talks, and you just give here 10 minutes to tell you about herself you can see that she is a regular person.  She has a family, and it is filled with highs and lows.  She has a son that is about to be deployed to Iraq.  Her husband is a fisherman, and a great husband.  She also is the mother a special needs child.  She is a person that knows how hard it can b
e at home, and that there is a proper way to help out people.  She understands that Taxing us into oblivion is not the way to do that.

I would love to give my commentary on her speech, but I don't think it needs any.  I am sure that the media is going to sound byte her to death, but if you don't watch the entire speech then you have nothing to say about her.  She covers it all, and shows that she is every bit as qualified to do the Job as our beloved savior Barrack Obama if not more so.  (yes I watched the ENTIRE DNC)  

As soon as I find a video of the entire speech I will link it here for you to see if you missed it.