Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What Can We Do?

There are approximately 45 Million uninsured people in the US today. There are about 300 + Million people in the US. So that 45 Million seems like a small percentage of the population, and in reality it is a small one, but it is not a small number. That is a lot of people that need health coverage. Also there are many people that fall into the 300+ million crew that have insurance but pay out the wazoo for it. (yes Wazoo is a word) There are also many people that are in that 300+ that get denied for services that they need.

Now before I move on, I don't want this to seem like I am a hate monger who does not want to help people, or that I think our current set-up is ok. I do not think that we are doing a good job here in the US with health insurance, and I do think that we need to help the 45 Million that are in need. (also quick side note that number is expected to climb to about 57 Million in the next decade) So with that said let me move onto why I don't like socialized medicine.

The reasons I dislike it is cause I firmly believe that it is not in line with the founding fathers plan for our country's govt, and its involvement with people. Also the other problem I have is in the name. "socialized" I am NOT A SOCIALIST nor do I think that there are any good things that can come from such type policies.

The National govt was never intended to manage our live to the degree that many progressives would like to. It was never intended to take away my right to be successful, or a failure. Yes being a failure is a right as crazy as that sounds. By having a socialized health care, or a Universal health care plan which is the same thing just a different name, we are giving away freedoms that are ours to have. I also do not want to fund it with my hard earned money that progressives seem to just want to take away from me.

If you make everyone have it or at least make everyone pay for it, then I am losing freedoms. Hillary's health care program "the American Health Choices" plan is almost devoid of all choices. You must have it, and also you will pay for it. All 110 billion dollars of it. Here let me write that out with numbers for you. that is $110,000,000,000! You see all those zeros? yea that is the size of four govt agencies.

Where do you think that money is going to come from? We can't pull it from the military or homeland security and other defense type agencies. So guess where it is coming from? That's right, you guessed it. YOU! it is coming from you and from your hard earned paycheck. If you don't know what that will feel like let me paint the picture for you. If you take your 50,000 a year salary that you make while living in the state of Virginia and you are a single person with no Dependants you will pay in the vicinity of about 14,400 dollars in taxes between state and federal. That also does include social security ect. That is a big number. Guess what? if we are going to have our 110,000,000,000 dollar plan that 14,400 will go up. How like 40% in taxes sound to you? Yea it could get there. Hope not, but it could.

So what I am trying to say is that it is expensive, and my faith in the govt ability to handle my money well is . . . .well there is none. Until they have Social Security fixed my faith is gone. So I just don't want to take my hard earned money and give more of it to the Govt than I have to, and I really don't want them to manage it at all.

So what do we do? Well the honest truth is, I don't know. I don't know what to do. There are a lot of people that need insurance, and either can't afford it, or can't get covered sure to health. We need to do something from them. I don't know how we are going to help them, and I recognize that there are people that honestly and truly need help as they just can't do it, and can't make it. I am not saying we turn our backs on them, I am just saying that the Federal Govt should not be the one to do it all, or at least should not be the money handlers.

We have a serious problem that needs to be fixed here, and it stems from all sorts of issues. Lets find a problem, but lets keep it out of the federal govts hands. I am ok with state govt taking care of business like Mitt Romney did in Mass. Also I am ok with private companies stepping up and making it happen.

I am truly sad that there are 47 million people with no insurance, and that there are many others that have it and can't get the care that they need and or can't afford it. I don't know what to do? I just don't think that we should get so caught up in trying to fix every ones problems that we give up our basic beliefs in freedom. We should find a solution where our freedom is maintained.

Is it really able to be fixed? Is it really as bad as it sounds? Is it really something that the Federal Govt should attempt to fix? Is it really giving up freedom for socialized health care? Sadly all of these questions I do not have the answer for, I just hope someone does.

*Blog inspired by conversation with J-slice

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