I am engaged to the most wonderful girl a guy could hope for. Not only am I getting married, but I am getting married to my Best Friend. I know many of you are like, "yea I would hope she is your best friend." or "Yea my husband is my best friend too." but it is not like we just started dating and became friends as a result. We were best friends for a while before we started dating. There is no one that I would rather spend eternity with than her.
As I have been engaged I am learning that there are a lot of misconceptions about being engaged. Some of them are mine, and some of them are others. I will address some of both.
1. It is all fun and exciting. (mine)
Yes this is true to some extent, but they forget to let you know about all of the stresses that can be involved in planning to get married. Like where will you live, mixing finances, parents, picking a day that makes everyone happy, where to register (that one at times is really a lot of fun though), and the fact that everyone and their dog has an opinion about how you should do it. When on Earth will we get the time to do everything, now that we have moved up our Wedding a month and a half almost. There are others but I will stop there. The point is, there is a lot to get done, and for LDS people we tend to get married kind of fast, so that means that it needs to be done in a very short amount of time.
2. You are different and you don't want to spend time with us anymore. (what others say)
This one is more of a misunderstanding than anything. Allow me to paint a picture of my life. I work out of town 4 hours away for almost half of the month. So, 15 to 20 days a months I am gone, not here, can't be seen. Let me tell ya, when you are engaged it sucks to be gone like that. But alas that is life, and that is how I bring home money, so it must be done.
As a byproduct of this, when I get home I have three things I want to do above all else:
1. Spend time with my fiancee whom I have just spent days apart from.
2. Plan our wedding and two out of state receptions.
3. Wash my clothes from the week.
4. Yea I know I said three but here is a fourth, I often have work to do still when I am home.
Some people complain that I don't have time for them, or that I don't do anything fun anymore. Maybe I don't have time for some other people, but trust me I have plenty of fun. Some people have recently become quite frustrated that I don't ever do anything anymore, and that all I think about is my wedding, or people say that I have changed, and that I don't care about my friends anymore. Well let me clear all of that up for you.
I am about to be married, which means I am about to have a wife. Included in marriage is giving up single life. And I couldn't be happier to leave it.
I also want to clear up something else as well.
I never want to hear anyone blame my soon to be wife for me not doing something. If I don't do something it is because I chose to not do so, and not because she made me. Because it is time for me to grow up just a little bit more, and prioritize all of my life. She is not a controlling person that dictates what I can and cannot do. In fact she is exactly the opposite. However we do talk to each other about EVERYTHING. If I am going to go grocery shopping I tell her. Not because I have to, but because we are 100% involved in each others lives and we want to, and very soon our lives will become just that, OURS, combined forever.
I love this girl more than anything in the whole world. I know that this may seem odd to some people but, I would rather spend time with her than doing anything else. Period. She wins 100% of the time. Why? Because I love her, and I want to be with her. Not because she makes me do it. She never makes me choose, she just lets me make my own choices, and she knows that I will choose her all the time.
Is is not acceptable for someone to talk negative about my soon to be wife in any form. I will not stand for it, and I will not associate with anyone that does so. I will not associate with someone that does not like my soon to be wife. (think about that, if I did, what kind of message does that send to her if I do?) It is not appropriate to talk negative about me making the most important choice of my life, and also the happiest moment of my life. Guys, I am about to be sealed to my best friend whom I love more than anything, for all time and all eternity. That is such a wonderful thing. Some of you may not even comprehend how great that is. And the last thing is, it is not ok to think that I will do something without her, or at least without consulting her. I just will not do so, period. I will not go hang out with girls without her there, even if they are married or there are guys there. It is just NOT appropriate to do so, plain and simple. So if there are girls at all, and she is not with me. I am not going, sorry.
I am not going to be one of those husbands that talks bad about my wife or complains about my marriage while I am not with her. If I have a problem you all can promise that I will not talk to you about it. Not even my parents will hear about it. So don't ask, and don't try to get me to talk negative. If I have a problem I will talk to her, and vise versa.
To some of you that all makes sense, and to some of you that may not. The point is, I hope that one day all of you feel this way about someone very special. I hope that one day everyone that reads this blog will realize that they have someone extremely special in their life, and or that you will one day have someone and that you should always treat that person right. Also I hope that you'll realize that what I am saying is right.
Love you all and I hope everyone is doing well. I am sad that I don't have the time to spend with everyone that I used to, but a new phase in my life is beginning, and I have a lot on my plate right now. I wish that I could make everyone, and everything a priority, but there is one person that will not be shortchanged when it comes to my time, energy, attention, and devotion, and that is The Girl, so as mentioned before, she wins. All the time!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Unions? Yea they suck!
Anyone that talks to me about what I do for longer than 5 minutes will hear about the nightmare of a Union that I have the pleasure of dealing with on a regular basis. Over the course of the last few months I have developed some very strong opinions about unions. In a nutshell I think they suck and that they need to be done away with and or they need to not be allowed to have so much power.
As an self employed person, and one of an entrepreneur type mindset I have very strong feelings on how business's should be run, regulated, and monitored. I am going to try my best to not get on a tangent and stay on the topic of Unions and why I just plain don't like them.
My Fiancee (The Girl) has a blog and she does something that I like and I am going to steal. She gives nicknames to people so that she can talk about them and not use their real names. So as time moves on and I write more and more about my opinions about where I work I am going to start using nicknames. First I am going to establish two names.
1. The Company - My Client that I am doing work for.
2. The Union - always with caps on "The" and "Union". This is the dreadful Union that The Company has a contract with.
When I came to work with The Company I did not really know much about unions, and how they worked. I knew a little bit but in my life I had no reason to interact with one, so I never really learned firsthand about them, and what kind of problems that they can cause. As time has moved on I have learned what the phrase "Welcome to ________(Company name)" means. It is something that can not be told, you can only experience it for yourself.
Please allow me to try to paint a picture of some of the stupid things that the union does. Today was trash pickup day in my office. Here at The Company we pick up trash twice a week and today is that day when I can get my waste that I so proudly created removed from my office. Now as I am one of the people that does all of the workloading, and developing of new policies, and procedures I don't want my office to be accesses by the workers that I am directly effecting. It is not that I don't trust the workers, it is just I don't . . . .ok I don't trust them, but if you were me you would as well. So when Gaps (another nickname) came into my little office suite to get my trash I kindly walked out of my office with my trash can in hand to hand to Gaps to dispose of it. I was working on her work route at the time, and I did not want her to go into my office with all of that strewn about my office. Now there where three other people in the suite, (try to keep these ones straight) F man, someone not worth getting a nickname, and Snake. Snake is a Union Shop Steward. I still to this day am not really sure what that job is other than to piss me off and everyone else at The Company. He thinks that he is the most high and mighty person that walks on the planet, and he knows all things (oh if he only knew how much he is ticking off the higher ups at The Company) Anyway I am standing there with my trash can in hand ready to give it to Gaps, (who is two feel away) and Snake looks over and says,
"you know she could do that for you" referring to me letting her get my trash.
I reply "I know, I don't want anyone in my office so I am giving it to her"
He looks kinda annoyed that I did not listen to him and says "that is bargain business and she can do it" (I am not really sure what that means but anyway)
So I decided to be a punk, and knowing that he wanted me to walk all the way back to my office and replace my container so that she could go and get it, I just stared at him for a moment, and placed the container at my feet. He looked happy and ticked at the same time. It was worth it too see that kinda of reaction.
Now why do I tell that story? Well the concept that he was trying to prove was that I am taking and union persons job. . . . . .ok. . . . . uhhh she is still going to take my trash, and I am positive that there is no shortage of work for her to do. I know cause I am the one that builds and designs it for the site.
Unions prevent me from taking care of my good workers, and punishing those that need it. you can work your tail off every day for years, and when a better spot opens up that other guy that sleep in his closet everyday gets it. Why? Because he was there 6 weeks longer than you. So why would you work hard if you get nothing in return for it? Slowly most of the good workers after getting passed up again and again quit working hard, and they become the lazy closet sleeper, and hall walkers that at they at one point hated so much. They do this cause there is just no motivation to work hard.
We had some great programs that we wanted to roll out that would really be good for The Union workers, and The Companies interest as well. The Union Leaders denied it, cause they knew that it would make it much harder for us, and would cause more problems. Last I checked when you caused problems for your boss you get fired right? Not with a Union, you just say. Oh I'm sorry how foolish of me and then you walk away.
Well I am done venting for now about unions. I know I did not really talk about unions as much as I did a personal experience but I will later. I am bored about blogging about politics.
As an self employed person, and one of an entrepreneur type mindset I have very strong feelings on how business's should be run, regulated, and monitored. I am going to try my best to not get on a tangent and stay on the topic of Unions and why I just plain don't like them.
My Fiancee (The Girl) has a blog and she does something that I like and I am going to steal. She gives nicknames to people so that she can talk about them and not use their real names. So as time moves on and I write more and more about my opinions about where I work I am going to start using nicknames. First I am going to establish two names.
1. The Company - My Client that I am doing work for.
2. The Union - always with caps on "The" and "Union". This is the dreadful Union that The Company has a contract with.
When I came to work with The Company I did not really know much about unions, and how they worked. I knew a little bit but in my life I had no reason to interact with one, so I never really learned firsthand about them, and what kind of problems that they can cause. As time has moved on I have learned what the phrase "Welcome to ________(Company name)" means. It is something that can not be told, you can only experience it for yourself.
Please allow me to try to paint a picture of some of the stupid things that the union does. Today was trash pickup day in my office. Here at The Company we pick up trash twice a week and today is that day when I can get my waste that I so proudly created removed from my office. Now as I am one of the people that does all of the workloading, and developing of new policies, and procedures I don't want my office to be accesses by the workers that I am directly effecting. It is not that I don't trust the workers, it is just I don't . . . .ok I don't trust them, but if you were me you would as well. So when Gaps (another nickname) came into my little office suite to get my trash I kindly walked out of my office with my trash can in hand to hand to Gaps to dispose of it. I was working on her work route at the time, and I did not want her to go into my office with all of that strewn about my office. Now there where three other people in the suite, (try to keep these ones straight) F man, someone not worth getting a nickname, and Snake. Snake is a Union Shop Steward. I still to this day am not really sure what that job is other than to piss me off and everyone else at The Company. He thinks that he is the most high and mighty person that walks on the planet, and he knows all things (oh if he only knew how much he is ticking off the higher ups at The Company) Anyway I am standing there with my trash can in hand ready to give it to Gaps, (who is two feel away) and Snake looks over and says,
"you know she could do that for you" referring to me letting her get my trash.
I reply "I know, I don't want anyone in my office so I am giving it to her"
He looks kinda annoyed that I did not listen to him and says "that is bargain business and she can do it" (I am not really sure what that means but anyway)
So I decided to be a punk, and knowing that he wanted me to walk all the way back to my office and replace my container so that she could go and get it, I just stared at him for a moment, and placed the container at my feet. He looked happy and ticked at the same time. It was worth it too see that kinda of reaction.
Now why do I tell that story? Well the concept that he was trying to prove was that I am taking and union persons job. . . . . .ok. . . . . uhhh she is still going to take my trash, and I am positive that there is no shortage of work for her to do. I know cause I am the one that builds and designs it for the site.
Unions prevent me from taking care of my good workers, and punishing those that need it. you can work your tail off every day for years, and when a better spot opens up that other guy that sleep in his closet everyday gets it. Why? Because he was there 6 weeks longer than you. So why would you work hard if you get nothing in return for it? Slowly most of the good workers after getting passed up again and again quit working hard, and they become the lazy closet sleeper, and hall walkers that at they at one point hated so much. They do this cause there is just no motivation to work hard.
We had some great programs that we wanted to roll out that would really be good for The Union workers, and The Companies interest as well. The Union Leaders denied it, cause they knew that it would make it much harder for us, and would cause more problems. Last I checked when you caused problems for your boss you get fired right? Not with a Union, you just say. Oh I'm sorry how foolish of me and then you walk away.
Well I am done venting for now about unions. I know I did not really talk about unions as much as I did a personal experience but I will later. I am bored about blogging about politics.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
This should be interesting
Hands are an interesting thing. human hands especially are an interesting thing, they allow us to do all sorts of different things. Anything from creating magnificent works of art, to punching some jerk square in the gut. It is an intricate and magnificent creation.
We have 10 fingers (most of us do as least) and 2 of them are thumbs. Each Thumb is controlled my 9 different muscles. The thumb is a really great part about our hands. Julius Caesar recognized this. During the Gallic wars, Julius Caesar ordered the thumbs of captured warriers amputated so that when they returned to their country, they would serve as examples and be unable to bear arms again. This practice was later used in a number of wars and in the slave trade. Who knew huh? Now as great as a thumb is it can sure be annoying when you hurt it. Like if you jam it, or if you break it you will find that life kinda sucks without the full use if one.
We also have fingernails. Yea I know I, Capitan Obvious, just pointed that out to you. They are wonderful, but some people just don't seem to think so. They seem to be so against them that they chew and rip them off every chance they get. Who knew that fingernails could be such tasty little moursels of delight. Well I don't really think so as I am a nail biter, not to a huge extent, I just don't like them long. I don't bite till I bleed or go too short or anything like that. Yes I know it is gross, and I need to stop. Maybe I can get my fiance to help me with that one. She seems to be able to help me with many other things. Did you know that your thumb nail grows that slowest and your middle fingernail grows the fastest?
Be glad you have hands. Lets look at some other creatures that the Good Lord did not bless to have hands.
-Worms, they just can't seem to get ahead in life without hands. Perhaps if they got some hands they would not have to come up from the ground to the concrete only to be squished by 3 year olds that think it is fun. Ok, so that would not matter probably, but you never know it might.
-Snakes. They at least have a good mouth for biting things, so they got something. If they had hands they just might be a lot more scary.
-Walruses. They have flippers but no hands. poor creatures.
-Flipper. ok well, dolphins, but to me all dolphins are flipper.
-spiders. Soooo if they had hands this world make the world a much scarier place. I can barely stand them now when they don't have hands. If they did, and could open doors and stuff that would SUCK.
So that is enough, just be happy that you have hands, and also that you not only have one but you have two of them. If you have three, maybe you should cut it off, and give it to someone who has only one. That is just not fair for you to have three. Unless of course you have 9 kids, then you deserve one more.
We have 10 fingers (most of us do as least) and 2 of them are thumbs. Each Thumb is controlled my 9 different muscles. The thumb is a really great part about our hands. Julius Caesar recognized this. During the Gallic wars, Julius Caesar ordered the thumbs of captured warriers amputated so that when they returned to their country, they would serve as examples and be unable to bear arms again. This practice was later used in a number of wars and in the slave trade. Who knew huh? Now as great as a thumb is it can sure be annoying when you hurt it. Like if you jam it, or if you break it you will find that life kinda sucks without the full use if one.
We also have fingernails. Yea I know I, Capitan Obvious, just pointed that out to you. They are wonderful, but some people just don't seem to think so. They seem to be so against them that they chew and rip them off every chance they get. Who knew that fingernails could be such tasty little moursels of delight. Well I don't really think so as I am a nail biter, not to a huge extent, I just don't like them long. I don't bite till I bleed or go too short or anything like that. Yes I know it is gross, and I need to stop. Maybe I can get my fiance to help me with that one. She seems to be able to help me with many other things. Did you know that your thumb nail grows that slowest and your middle fingernail grows the fastest?
Be glad you have hands. Lets look at some other creatures that the Good Lord did not bless to have hands.
-Worms, they just can't seem to get ahead in life without hands. Perhaps if they got some hands they would not have to come up from the ground to the concrete only to be squished by 3 year olds that think it is fun. Ok, so that would not matter probably, but you never know it might.
-Snakes. They at least have a good mouth for biting things, so they got something. If they had hands they just might be a lot more scary.
-Walruses. They have flippers but no hands. poor creatures.
-Flipper. ok well, dolphins, but to me all dolphins are flipper.
-spiders. Soooo if they had hands this world make the world a much scarier place. I can barely stand them now when they don't have hands. If they did, and could open doors and stuff that would SUCK.
So that is enough, just be happy that you have hands, and also that you not only have one but you have two of them. If you have three, maybe you should cut it off, and give it to someone who has only one. That is just not fair for you to have three. Unless of course you have 9 kids, then you deserve one more.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Is Wal-Mart really that bad?
so yesterday I heard a story about Wal-Mart and a lawsuit they've just recently been going through. I'll sum up briefly what happened in this lawsuit. there was a person that was hit by Wal-Mart truck and suffered severe brain damage as a result of the accident. Wal-Mart then willingly paid all medical expenses after this, making sure that they had everything that they needed taking care of and place them in the vicinity of $470,000 in a trust fund to cover future medical expenses, as well as past its expenses.
This family then decides to sue Wal-Mart about a year or two later, does not win, but then appeals and wins on their appeal. They had entered into an agreement with Wal-Mart that if they do in fact decide to sue that they would have to give back the money that Wal-Mart initially paid willingly out-of-pocket to cover medical expenses. Wal-Mart and then decided to come back and ask for the money. And when they did they'd been met with nothing but resistance saying Wal-Mart doesn't mean it's not your money we need more than you do. There is even an article in the LA Times at talks about this and presented in this sort of light. Please read this link article.
now, I for one actually agree with Wal-Mart on this one. I don't think Wal-Mart did anything wrong. Sure I do agree with the families reasoning that they need the money more than Wal-Mart. But where do you draw the line? When do you decide who needs the money more and who gets to keep it based on need as opposed to who it rightfully and lawfully belongs to. The money right rightfully and lawfully belongs to Wal-Mart it does not rightfully and lawfully belonged to the individual mentioned in this article. Yes, I'll agree they could use the money more than Wal-Mart can, as Wal-Mart grosses somewhere in the vicinity of $90 billion.
everyone's making Wal-Mart out to be the bad guy in this deal, but if we were to make this on a much smaller scale people would now be calling Wal-Mart, the bad guy and they would be calling the person that I got for going after company. They would be calling them someone that takes advantage of companies and looking for an extra free dollar because they don't want to take responsibility for what happened. I am not in any way saying that that is really what happened with this individual, or the wonder motives may be because I just don't know. All i'm talking about right now is perception, and when Wal-Mart is introduced into the equation the perception is completely changed to big bad business taking advantage of a small person.
as I mentioned earlier, this was in the contract, this was an agreement that the individual went into knowing that if they decided to sue and won, that they were going to have to give the money back. Wal-Mart did not do anything unfair in any way by doing this. The individual's lawyer even went as far as to say that Wal-Mart does not have a right to ask for this money. Since when, can one dictate when the law applies and when it does not?
so you have to ask yourself, is it really that important that Wal-Mart gets their money back? is it really Wal-Mart's right task for their money back?
This family then decides to sue Wal-Mart about a year or two later, does not win, but then appeals and wins on their appeal. They had entered into an agreement with Wal-Mart that if they do in fact decide to sue that they would have to give back the money that Wal-Mart initially paid willingly out-of-pocket to cover medical expenses. Wal-Mart and then decided to come back and ask for the money. And when they did they'd been met with nothing but resistance saying Wal-Mart doesn't mean it's not your money we need more than you do. There is even an article in the LA Times at talks about this and presented in this sort of light. Please read this link article.
now, I for one actually agree with Wal-Mart on this one. I don't think Wal-Mart did anything wrong. Sure I do agree with the families reasoning that they need the money more than Wal-Mart. But where do you draw the line? When do you decide who needs the money more and who gets to keep it based on need as opposed to who it rightfully and lawfully belongs to. The money right rightfully and lawfully belongs to Wal-Mart it does not rightfully and lawfully belonged to the individual mentioned in this article. Yes, I'll agree they could use the money more than Wal-Mart can, as Wal-Mart grosses somewhere in the vicinity of $90 billion.
everyone's making Wal-Mart out to be the bad guy in this deal, but if we were to make this on a much smaller scale people would now be calling Wal-Mart, the bad guy and they would be calling the person that I got for going after company. They would be calling them someone that takes advantage of companies and looking for an extra free dollar because they don't want to take responsibility for what happened. I am not in any way saying that that is really what happened with this individual, or the wonder motives may be because I just don't know. All i'm talking about right now is perception, and when Wal-Mart is introduced into the equation the perception is completely changed to big bad business taking advantage of a small person.
as I mentioned earlier, this was in the contract, this was an agreement that the individual went into knowing that if they decided to sue and won, that they were going to have to give the money back. Wal-Mart did not do anything unfair in any way by doing this. The individual's lawyer even went as far as to say that Wal-Mart does not have a right to ask for this money. Since when, can one dictate when the law applies and when it does not?
so you have to ask yourself, is it really that important that Wal-Mart gets their money back? is it really Wal-Mart's right task for their money back?
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