Monday, May 12, 2008

God Bless America - Just Words!! (This Blog may offend and is political, This is your warning!)

I hate you!! their just words, they don't mean anything. I want to hang out this Friday. Just words, they don't mean anything. I hope that you guys that are reading this think that I am nuts, cause well. . . .I am!!! Sure they are "just words" but words are attached with meaning, and with power when they are spoken. They are something that can not be unheard once heard. There are some words, both positive and negative, that once heard, can not be forgotten and will be remembered for the test of time.

They are just actions. Don't look at my left hand, watch my right. The left hand means nothing. As a magician I often times need to get people to look at one hand and not the other. If they look at the other hand, the trick is ruined cause they either saw what I was doing or they now can see it coming so the excitement is now lost, and no longer magical. A good trick has misdirections, false promises, illusions, deception, hope, good acting, stage appearance, and a twist at the end that you didn't see coming.

Well my friends, all of us here in the Good Ol'e US of A are in the process of having a magic trick played on us, and it is the biggest trick of all. It is something that even though you are unaware of it, you are involved. If we don't "ruin" the trick we are going to be duped, and we are going to feel really foolish, and think to ourselves, "where did that come from?"

The following link is a video that will open your eyes just a little to something that is right in front of you and you may or may not even see it. Please watch this, and you will see what I am talking about.

Now before I give you the link I want to clear something up. I DO believe that words mean something, that words do have power, and that actions can speak even louder than words at times. I think that hateful words should not be directed at people, and even more so to the people that matter the most in your life. There are just some words that should not be used to describe how you feel when talking about or to an individual. Once a word is said it can not be taken back. A wise man once taught me, "you can only shut-up once."

Watch the video, and please see what is happening, and that words do indeed mean something.

Vote for this man and you will be tricked

Is it really that important to watch a persons words? Is it really a persons actions that speak louder than what a person is saying sometimes? I leave those answers up to you.

1 comment:

Darin said...

Ooh, this video is so revealing, it really makes me want to re-evaluate my position of my chosen candidate.
In case you can't tell, that's me being sarcastic. You say you should judge a person based on his or her words, but the video urges us all to do exactly the opposite by judging him by his associations and by what others, the likes of Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter, can spin remarks into. If you want to read his own words to get to know what he really stands for, I can loan you his book.
This video clip would be the equivalent of someone showing "Godmakers" or some other anti-Mormon film to people urging them to make up their minds about the LDS faith based on that.
All this clip amounts to is a bunch of racially-motivated drivel worked up by some hateful, right-wing nutjob, with the hope of playing on people's fears and prejudices (Too bad they made it before Rev. Wright went to the National Press Club. They could have had a hay-day with that).
FACT: We've been in Iraq for over five years
FACT: More than 4,000 US troops have been killed in Iraq
FACT: The day before we invaded Iraq, oil traded at $28/barrel, yesterday, it traded at around $127
FACT: Home foreclosures are at record numbers
FACT: More that 47,000,000 Americans don't have access to healthcare
The list goes on, but one more FACT: John McCain only offers more of the same. It's high-time for change around here, and Obama's the only one who even offers that option.