Wednesday, August 27, 2008

All Hail Obama!!

I think that all Obama supporters should love this theme song for him. He is truly chosen to change america. Well I have one thing to him.

"You can keep the Change"

 All hail the messiah 
 Obama, Obama 
 The path to the new socialist motherland 
 Our savior, our savior 
 Obama, Obama 
 The leader more famous than Lindsay Lohan 
 Bow down and praise the one 
 Give him your money and your guns 
 Give us a country 
 That makes your wife proud 
 Lord Barry heal the bitter ones 
 White and Clinging to faith and to guns 
 Hope for the change of the hope of the change!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Friend with the Gambling Problem

Lets pretend you have a friend who has a gambling problem. He is behind on his bills. Like, WAY behind, and there is no food in his house, and you know this because he comes over to mooch off of you to get food all the time.

You feel bad for him, and you wish that you could help him. Then one day he is over at your place and he tells you that he is about to get his power turned off because he is too behind on his electric bill. You as how much and he tells you the amount. It is not too much, and you can spare it no problem so you give him some money to pay for his electric bill, because hey, why not? He is in need, and you have the money to spare.

So you give this friend the money and guess what? He doesn't pay his bill he does what he always does with is money. He blows it on gambling!! You know he has this problem, but you thought that he would spend it on his bill. Needless to say his power gets turned off, and as time moves on, he gets his power back on, but he is still way behind on all of his bills, and is racking up the gambling debts and fast. Again you feel bad about this, and feel bad for him. He needs the help and you make plenty of money and you manage yours well, and you give him some money to pay some bill, and put food in his fridge.

You then find out that not only did he not pay his bills, and he did not buy food other than a few Red Bulls but he blew it ALL on gambling. Your friend HAS A GAMBLING PROBLEM!!! HELLO?!?!? You give him money and he is going to blow it on gambling. He needs some help, and he needs professional help. Not a hand out.

My friends! The Federal Government is that friend with a gambling problem. They Rack up more and more debt, and they just want more and more money. You do not fix a gambling problem with more money. Well that is just how many many of Americans want to take care of the problem.

Free Health Care
Government Controlled Energy
Social Security
Government Controlled Schooling
Government Subsidies
Government Bail outs

These are all things that many Crazy people want. you would never give your friend with the gambling problem more money so why would you want to give the Federal government more money? They have a bad record of managing money. They just plain suck at it.

If you read that list (and it is a small one. Should be a lot bigger) you need to understand one thing. THEY ARE NOT FREE!!! There is nothing free in this world. Someone paid for it and just because it was not you it does not mean that it was free. Just means that you did not pay for it. People don't understand that, and if they do they just don't care that it is just a redistribution of wealth in its early form. They want the hand out.

Is it really a good idea to raise taxes to give the money to a government that can't manage what it has already (NO the Democrats can't do a better job. They make it worse. (yes Republicans are not much better)) Is it really going to get better if the beloved and holy Obama wins? Is it really going to improve if McCain the old Battle ax wins?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Thoughts on the Canidates (more a rant against Obama)

Oh boy I can't wait for the election year to be over. I am not sure what I am going to blog about. I really don't want to talk about the candidates so much, but I feel compelled to do so. I want to lend my opinion about the different candidates and perhaps this will shed some light on why I do it so much.

First I want to state, that I am a conservative (not a Republican). I believe in capitalism, and letting the free market work out problems. I think the Federal Government is very bad at business and money. If I could I would never do business with them based on their track record of how they run things. Sadly I must do business with them or I will go to jail. I hate hate hate hate hate hate socialism, and I feel that is is my right to fail miserably in life and business, and also I feel that it is my right to make so much money that I light 20 dollar bills on fire just because I think it is funny and I will not miss it. If I work hard I want my money to stay with me, and not be taken from me and given to the commonwealth of the world.* Also if I fail, I want to fail and pick MYSELF up, and hit life again.

With that said here is my take on the candidates. I REALLY dislike both of them, however I dislike one WAY more than the other.

1. McCain, John: A Democrat disguised as a Republican. I am having a hard time seeing the difference between the two parties now a days. It seems that Republicans are just Democrats that like Bankers. But I feel that he would not screw up the country beyond fixing. There are many many many things about him that I do not like for example, he is not good with Economics. I feel that right now the nation needs someone that help the Economy as it is in need of some big time help. I do however, feel that his foreign policy will be alright. I don't think he will allow the US to be bullied, and he will not kill the military.

2. Obama, Barrack: If you just looked at how the media treats this man you would think that he is our Savior. Here to save us all from the bad things of the world! I have so many problems with this man I am not even sure where I need to begin. What has the man done? Not much in his EXTREMELY short government history. He is a socialist in every sense of the word, and scares me to death what he will try to do with this country should he win. I am honest and truly scared of him winning. I will vote for McCain only because I am running away from Obama. Has nothing to do with the likability of McCain, just that I am terrified of Obama.

He twists things all the time to make them sound better than they are. He can inspire a large group of people, but he does not put any real substance to his speeches. He just uses the right words that invoke the kind of emotion that he wants from people. (just a quick note: inspiration should not be a good reason to vote for a man. Last I checked Hitler was pretty good at it too) He makes promises that can't be kept and people believe that he can for example:

"Barrack Obama promises to fast track alternate energy!" Uhhhh first of all do you really think that we are going slow on it? Last I checked there are lots and lots of people, groups, organizations that are going as fast as they can, and they could care less what the President says. IT sure does sound good though. "Fast Track" lets see if I can do it.. . . . oh I got one "I Chris Terrell promise that if you elect me president I will fast track our education policies." that was fun, I see why he does it all the time.

His new tax policy will raise it so much, that if you make over 250,000 dollars a year you will be taxed 57% did you catch that? 57% of you income will be TAKEN from you. That is 142,500 dollars taken from you, leaving you with 107,500. "Well the rich people don't really need that money, other much poorer and needier people need it, and they wont notice it anyway" or "they are just paying their fair share." I know I am going to sound like a hater but, I DON'T CARE!! If I make that money you can guarantee I worked my butt off for it, and I don't want anyone taking it from me! It is MINE!
When I look at him I see a man good at what he does and he knows it. Sadly what he does is not tell the truth or represent the people. He does, and will do what HE wants and that is all that matters to him.

So there you have it. I don't like either of them, but I think some things about Barrack Obama that I can't say on the Internet, but I think he is a lier, and a deceiver. His wife is awful, and he has constantly surrounded himself with terrible people. I hope he does not win, but if he does may God be with America because we will need him more than ever to hold it together.
I know I have been extremely harsh, and politically incorrect, but I am scared so badly of this man, that I must say what I can to whomever I can about this man. This is in no way an attack on his supporters. Like whom you please, but I will not like Obama.

*I think that it should be my choice whom I give money to, and I feel that it is my responsibility as a member of society, and because God told me to. I just don't want someone forcing to do so, and not giving me any say in it. I feel that wealthy people should give but it is still their choice.