Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Friend with the Gambling Problem

Lets pretend you have a friend who has a gambling problem. He is behind on his bills. Like, WAY behind, and there is no food in his house, and you know this because he comes over to mooch off of you to get food all the time.

You feel bad for him, and you wish that you could help him. Then one day he is over at your place and he tells you that he is about to get his power turned off because he is too behind on his electric bill. You as how much and he tells you the amount. It is not too much, and you can spare it no problem so you give him some money to pay for his electric bill, because hey, why not? He is in need, and you have the money to spare.

So you give this friend the money and guess what? He doesn't pay his bill he does what he always does with is money. He blows it on gambling!! You know he has this problem, but you thought that he would spend it on his bill. Needless to say his power gets turned off, and as time moves on, he gets his power back on, but he is still way behind on all of his bills, and is racking up the gambling debts and fast. Again you feel bad about this, and feel bad for him. He needs the help and you make plenty of money and you manage yours well, and you give him some money to pay some bill, and put food in his fridge.

You then find out that not only did he not pay his bills, and he did not buy food other than a few Red Bulls but he blew it ALL on gambling. Your friend HAS A GAMBLING PROBLEM!!! HELLO?!?!? You give him money and he is going to blow it on gambling. He needs some help, and he needs professional help. Not a hand out.

My friends! The Federal Government is that friend with a gambling problem. They Rack up more and more debt, and they just want more and more money. You do not fix a gambling problem with more money. Well that is just how many many of Americans want to take care of the problem.

Free Health Care
Government Controlled Energy
Social Security
Government Controlled Schooling
Government Subsidies
Government Bail outs

These are all things that many Crazy people want. you would never give your friend with the gambling problem more money so why would you want to give the Federal government more money? They have a bad record of managing money. They just plain suck at it.

If you read that list (and it is a small one. Should be a lot bigger) you need to understand one thing. THEY ARE NOT FREE!!! There is nothing free in this world. Someone paid for it and just because it was not you it does not mean that it was free. Just means that you did not pay for it. People don't understand that, and if they do they just don't care that it is just a redistribution of wealth in its early form. They want the hand out.

Is it really a good idea to raise taxes to give the money to a government that can't manage what it has already (NO the Democrats can't do a better job. They make it worse. (yes Republicans are not much better)) Is it really going to get better if the beloved and holy Obama wins? Is it really going to improve if McCain the old Battle ax wins?

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