So anyway onto my life. I look back at my life over the last 6 months and I see a lot of interesting twists and turns. When I was on them it sure did throw me for a loop and I was not too sure what to think. I know that maybe only 2 of you know what I am talking about, and that perhaps maybe there are 2 or 3 that are even interested that don't know. I think that I will just forgo the story. We all have one, I don't claim that mine is better or worse, however you want to look at it than yours. But I too have had many tough times, and there have been days when I just wanted to stay in bed and not do anything. Fortunately I have been learned better than that and I get up and try to live that day like it was my last. Or well at least I try to do that.
So these stories that we all have about our tough times, what do we do with them? I know some people just like to forget they happened and move on with life. Others perhaps like to continue to relive them again and again and again. Neither of those I guess is a healthy or wise choice. I like to find a happy middle place. I try to remember them, but move on from the hard times. Sometimes that is simple, and other times. . . well not so much, but I make do. Think about it for a second, it is not like one has a choice. Life is going to move on even if you don't want to be a part of it. Might as well be a part if right?
Now you may be wondering as am I what the point of this is. Well I guess there is really no point to it. You may take from this whatever you feel so inclined to and then do what you will with it. Perhaps you can add this to your story that you call "my life".
I once asked someone a question, if you lost your memory of the last 5 years did you ever really do any of those things? If you have no recollection of them do they still shape your life. Some may say "well of course they do". Others may have the opposite viewpoint. I wish I knew but I do not know. Can a person really change who they are? If you lose your memory are you free to be a new person. Go from Bad to Good? Are you still a bad person should you lose your memory and forget that you were? If that is the case can you perform the same change when you never lose your memories? If not I guess it is our memories that shape us into the person that we see in the mirror everyday.
Well I hope that makes some sort of sense, but I think I am going to wrap this up now and move on to make some more memories. I just hope that I can make many more of them and that they can be great memories. So that perhaps I can be a good boy.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
What is right?
Hello to all of my fellow blog viewer people. I have some more thoughts to put out here for all of the world to view, read, debate, ignore, or whatever it is that you do with them.
A friend once posed a great point that has stuck with me for years. I think that it is time that I share it now with all of you. He did a wonderful job of illustrateing the point to me, and I hope that I can do the same for you.
I told him something once, what it is I don't remember and it is not too important right now, and he asked me this great question. "How do you know?" How do you know your right? What I said was a fact, er well at least the way that I said it it was. However he was exactly right. How did I know that I was right? He asked me how I knew what I was telling him was true and told him some one told me. Well how do I know that they were right? I can't really.
There are so many things that we just take as fact and then tell other people and just because we heard it. From the most complex concepts down to the most simple of ideas. We, being you and I, are really experts and know FACT about very little, and yet we act like we know more than we do. There is nothing wrong with this behavior. It is something that we need to do from time to time. But when your just talking amongst friends? Why do this? Why not just simply say I don't know?
I don't know. That is something that we are afraid to say, and it seems that the smarter we get it gets harder and harder to say that. The more we get involved the more we start to dread saying those words to others around us. Sure we think it, and we wish that we could tell people but the fear keeps us from doing so.
I am guilty of this behavior all of the time, and I forget that there are things that I don't know and that it does not make me any less of a person for saying those words. When I see others say those 3 words if anything I like them more cause they did not feed me any BS about what I asked. When I ask a question I want to know the facts and the answers and not to be given a answer in such a way that I think that you really knew what you were talking about. I assume that all other people feel somewhat similar to this.
Well I need to leave the panera bread and go on with my activities for the evening. I hope that this makes sense, and if I get the motivation required I will come back and add to this.
So remember to ask yourself, Is it really. . the truth? Is what I know right. Can I say I don't know?
A friend once posed a great point that has stuck with me for years. I think that it is time that I share it now with all of you. He did a wonderful job of illustrateing the point to me, and I hope that I can do the same for you.
I told him something once, what it is I don't remember and it is not too important right now, and he asked me this great question. "How do you know?" How do you know your right? What I said was a fact, er well at least the way that I said it it was. However he was exactly right. How did I know that I was right? He asked me how I knew what I was telling him was true and told him some one told me. Well how do I know that they were right? I can't really.
There are so many things that we just take as fact and then tell other people and just because we heard it. From the most complex concepts down to the most simple of ideas. We, being you and I, are really experts and know FACT about very little, and yet we act like we know more than we do. There is nothing wrong with this behavior. It is something that we need to do from time to time. But when your just talking amongst friends? Why do this? Why not just simply say I don't know?
I don't know. That is something that we are afraid to say, and it seems that the smarter we get it gets harder and harder to say that. The more we get involved the more we start to dread saying those words to others around us. Sure we think it, and we wish that we could tell people but the fear keeps us from doing so.
I am guilty of this behavior all of the time, and I forget that there are things that I don't know and that it does not make me any less of a person for saying those words. When I see others say those 3 words if anything I like them more cause they did not feed me any BS about what I asked. When I ask a question I want to know the facts and the answers and not to be given a answer in such a way that I think that you really knew what you were talking about. I assume that all other people feel somewhat similar to this.
Well I need to leave the panera bread and go on with my activities for the evening. I hope that this makes sense, and if I get the motivation required I will come back and add to this.
So remember to ask yourself, Is it really. . the truth? Is what I know right. Can I say I don't know?
Monday, May 21, 2007
"The Secret" or well the lack of.
The following is a copy of a blog from somewhere else to help me get this one started. I don't have the brain power right now to type a whole new one and I am every tired. So enjoy
I am thinking about starting my video blog pack up again. We shall see how motivated I get to do that.
Well now on with the rant and blogging.
As I am sure many of you out there in cyberland, and even the rest of you that are not have heard. there is a new DVD out. Well I am not sure if it is new, but it is really starting to get out there in the word for people to see. The DVD is "The Secret". Now I have seen it many times, and I saw it at the first of the year, before it had gotten out in the major bookstores.
Something so odd is the title "The Secret" is ironic as this DVD is far from secret. As it is now ALL OVER THE PLACE. I see it everywhere on the web, and it does not even seem to have a trend as to the type of web page that it apears. It is something that people seem to just fall in love with.
Now jsut to preface this just tad, this is a book about the priciple of the Law of Attraction. (now call the LoA in this blog.) Which is everything that happens in your life you attract into it. It does not matter if it is good or bad or if you want it or not. Just to sum it up in a nutshell.
Now when I first saw this, I fell in love with it and the concept of anything that I want I jsut need to think about and want it a lot and it will be here to grace my life. The DVD does a wonderfull job of teaching this concept to you and if you want to truely understand it then you need to watch the DVD as they have carefully planned how to teach it to you so you learn it all and alos will be captivated by it.
Now if you do not know what the LoA is then you might not understand the rest of this from here on. I am going to assume that you all know what the LoA is fully from now on.
I highly recommend the DVD to anyone that wants to improve on the quality of their lives. I truly do want people to see this. the thing that I do not want is for people to believe all aspects of what they teach in the DVD. There are many things there that do not seem to fit for me. They just don't make sense. I am only going to talk about those points as the DVD covers all of the good stuff very well.
According the the LoA if your car was broken into you attracted it to you. or if you found a ten dollar bill on the road you attracted it to you. Or if you got the flu then you attracted it to you. Or perhaps you got a new car you attracted it to you. Or if the 8 year old girl that does not even know what rape is gets raped she attracted it to herself. Now all of those are true according to the LoA. Even the girl that got raped. According to the LoA it is her fault that it happened. Some of you right now are thinking that is crazy, she could not have. Well if you are a true abstractionists well then yes she did. Now I do not believe such a crazy thing.
Ok how about a new one. you want a million dollars and you find a lotto card on the road that has not been used yet. so you take your finger do some scratching and BAM!! your now a millionaire. You attracted it to yourself, congrats.
so how come most people have an easier time believing that we attract the good things in even if they are extreme and yet we have a hard time accepting the bad things. Like when someone get killed. Oops you should not have attracted that killer to come to your house, steal all of you things, rape and then kill you. Tisk tisk. Ok come on that is a little harsh Terrell. Ok as I said I do not fully embrace the LoA. I think that there are good and true principle and concepts that go with the the LoA.
I believe in the life force, and energy given off. There is too much out there that shows that is all real. I believe that positive thinking works and is a real thing. However. you can have all the life force you want shooting out of your brain think as positive as you would like and run east and look for a sunset. I is not going to happen sorry. Every day you will be sad and disappointed.
But the LoA says that if you could attract anything to yourself. Well I want. . . blank. The concept is so enticing that we as humans just lap this stuff up. We want more and more and more of it. It is the more for less concept. something from nothing. It is magical. I am a magician on the side and I want so badly for magic to be real. and there are tricks that when I see them performed and I think wow that looks like real magic. I could do real magic. then I learn how to do it, and I am always sad to find out that it is FAR from real magic. there is always a trick to it no matter how real it looks.
Well The LoA is not magic, no matter how much you attract it to be. It is not going to end all of your problems. Sure it will help you feel better, but it is not as real as we all think it is. As I said before there are things that go with the LoA that are very very real, and I embrace all of the true parts of it and I am glad they are getting out there, but I am sorry to tell you that there are lies and twisted truths in this DVD. If you would like to know more in depth please by all means message me and I will be glad to direct you to what they are.
Watch the DVD and take things away from it, but please think about all parts of it first. I refuse to believe that we attract all things in our life both the good and the bad. I am a religious man and I am not going to take the religious spin on this, but I will have a later blog that will tell you my viewpoints on that aspect of it. Then you will really see where I am coming from as the religious angle is a very large on for me and my belief system.
Farewell to all and until next blog be safe. and don't attract terrible things in your life. Only the good stuff.
So I say, Is it really true? Does it work? Choose for yourself. You can see the DVD at But part of it is below for your enjoyment.
I am thinking about starting my video blog pack up again. We shall see how motivated I get to do that.
Well now on with the rant and blogging.
As I am sure many of you out there in cyberland, and even the rest of you that are not have heard. there is a new DVD out. Well I am not sure if it is new, but it is really starting to get out there in the word for people to see. The DVD is "The Secret". Now I have seen it many times, and I saw it at the first of the year, before it had gotten out in the major bookstores.
Something so odd is the title "The Secret" is ironic as this DVD is far from secret. As it is now ALL OVER THE PLACE. I see it everywhere on the web, and it does not even seem to have a trend as to the type of web page that it apears. It is something that people seem to just fall in love with.
Now jsut to preface this just tad, this is a book about the priciple of the Law of Attraction. (now call the LoA in this blog.) Which is everything that happens in your life you attract into it. It does not matter if it is good or bad or if you want it or not. Just to sum it up in a nutshell.
Now when I first saw this, I fell in love with it and the concept of anything that I want I jsut need to think about and want it a lot and it will be here to grace my life. The DVD does a wonderfull job of teaching this concept to you and if you want to truely understand it then you need to watch the DVD as they have carefully planned how to teach it to you so you learn it all and alos will be captivated by it.
Now if you do not know what the LoA is then you might not understand the rest of this from here on. I am going to assume that you all know what the LoA is fully from now on.
I highly recommend the DVD to anyone that wants to improve on the quality of their lives. I truly do want people to see this. the thing that I do not want is for people to believe all aspects of what they teach in the DVD. There are many things there that do not seem to fit for me. They just don't make sense. I am only going to talk about those points as the DVD covers all of the good stuff very well.
According the the LoA if your car was broken into you attracted it to you. or if you found a ten dollar bill on the road you attracted it to you. Or if you got the flu then you attracted it to you. Or perhaps you got a new car you attracted it to you. Or if the 8 year old girl that does not even know what rape is gets raped she attracted it to herself. Now all of those are true according to the LoA. Even the girl that got raped. According to the LoA it is her fault that it happened. Some of you right now are thinking that is crazy, she could not have. Well if you are a true abstractionists well then yes she did. Now I do not believe such a crazy thing.
Ok how about a new one. you want a million dollars and you find a lotto card on the road that has not been used yet. so you take your finger do some scratching and BAM!! your now a millionaire. You attracted it to yourself, congrats.
so how come most people have an easier time believing that we attract the good things in even if they are extreme and yet we have a hard time accepting the bad things. Like when someone get killed. Oops you should not have attracted that killer to come to your house, steal all of you things, rape and then kill you. Tisk tisk. Ok come on that is a little harsh Terrell. Ok as I said I do not fully embrace the LoA. I think that there are good and true principle and concepts that go with the the LoA.
I believe in the life force, and energy given off. There is too much out there that shows that is all real. I believe that positive thinking works and is a real thing. However. you can have all the life force you want shooting out of your brain think as positive as you would like and run east and look for a sunset. I is not going to happen sorry. Every day you will be sad and disappointed.
But the LoA says that if you could attract anything to yourself. Well I want. . . blank. The concept is so enticing that we as humans just lap this stuff up. We want more and more and more of it. It is the more for less concept. something from nothing. It is magical. I am a magician on the side and I want so badly for magic to be real. and there are tricks that when I see them performed and I think wow that looks like real magic. I could do real magic. then I learn how to do it, and I am always sad to find out that it is FAR from real magic. there is always a trick to it no matter how real it looks.
Well The LoA is not magic, no matter how much you attract it to be. It is not going to end all of your problems. Sure it will help you feel better, but it is not as real as we all think it is. As I said before there are things that go with the LoA that are very very real, and I embrace all of the true parts of it and I am glad they are getting out there, but I am sorry to tell you that there are lies and twisted truths in this DVD. If you would like to know more in depth please by all means message me and I will be glad to direct you to what they are.
Watch the DVD and take things away from it, but please think about all parts of it first. I refuse to believe that we attract all things in our life both the good and the bad. I am a religious man and I am not going to take the religious spin on this, but I will have a later blog that will tell you my viewpoints on that aspect of it. Then you will really see where I am coming from as the religious angle is a very large on for me and my belief system.
Farewell to all and until next blog be safe. and don't attract terrible things in your life. Only the good stuff.
So I say, Is it really true? Does it work? Choose for yourself. You can see the DVD at But part of it is below for your enjoyment.
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