Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What is right?

Hello to all of my fellow blog viewer people. I have some more thoughts to put out here for all of the world to view, read, debate, ignore, or whatever it is that you do with them.

A friend once posed a great point that has stuck with me for years. I think that it is time that I share it now with all of you. He did a wonderful job of illustrateing the point to me, and I hope that I can do the same for you.

I told him something once, what it is I don't remember and it is not too important right now, and he asked me this great question. "How do you know?" How do you know your right? What I said was a fact, er well at least the way that I said it it was. However he was exactly right. How did I know that I was right? He asked me how I knew what I was telling him was true and told him some one told me. Well how do I know that they were right? I can't really.

There are so many things that we just take as fact and then tell other people and just because we heard it. From the most complex concepts down to the most simple of ideas. We, being you and I, are really experts and know FACT about very little, and yet we act like we know more than we do. There is nothing wrong with this behavior. It is something that we need to do from time to time. But when your just talking amongst friends? Why do this? Why not just simply say I don't know?

I don't know. That is something that we are afraid to say, and it seems that the smarter we get it gets harder and harder to say that. The more we get involved the more we start to dread saying those words to others around us. Sure we think it, and we wish that we could tell people but the fear keeps us from doing so.

I am guilty of this behavior all of the time, and I forget that there are things that I don't know and that it does not make me any less of a person for saying those words. When I see others say those 3 words if anything I like them more cause they did not feed me any BS about what I asked. When I ask a question I want to know the facts and the answers and not to be given a answer in such a way that I think that you really knew what you were talking about. I assume that all other people feel somewhat similar to this.

Well I need to leave the panera bread and go on with my activities for the evening. I hope that this makes sense, and if I get the motivation required I will come back and add to this.

So remember to ask yourself, Is it really. . the truth? Is what I know right. Can I say I don't know?

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