Thursday, October 11, 2007

be that friend

Life sometimes is really tough to say the least. There are many things that help us get through the tough times. Over the course of the last year I have discovered many different things that help me during the tough times. Over the course of the last year there have been some interesting times in my life and some interesting choices that have been made. Some of the choices are very small, and some of them where quite big, some that the effects of have already come and gone, and others that the effects will ring in my life till I die. But I have learned a lot the last year and now that I am where I am I guess that I would not change any part of it. Even the parts that at the time seemed so hard that I was not sure if I could handle it, or that I would make it through them.

This Blog entry is going to be a bit more personal than normal, and well . . .that’s ok cause this is mine, and I can do that. So I am going to.

Anyway back to my life, there have been some tough times, and there has been so many things that I have learned over the last few years. I guess the good Lord saw it fit to give me lots of learning opportunities in the last year. There has been no shortage of them. He definatly has played a part in my life, and I can see that now, there are times when I was asking over and over for things, and I wanted them so badly, and nothing would happen all to often and then a few day, weeks, and sometimes even months later I would see why it happened the way that it did.

Well this is not about where I am now, but rather some of the things that happened to help make my life a little more manageable during the tough times. As I said the good Lord saw fit to make life challenging but he did not leave me alone that is for sure. There have been many different people, events, ect that have happened to me that I can see that there is a hand in it.

The one thing that has helped me through all of the tough times has been the blessing of some really great friends in my life. Since coming here to good ol’e Washington DC I have made some really great friends. Some of them have played such a huge role I wonder if they will ever fully comprehend how much they have affected my life. I feel sad that I know that I may never be able to repay what some of them have done for me. I try all of the time to do so, but it just never feels like I do enough in return.

Over the last year I have gotten to see who is truly my friends. I had a question posed to me, or actually it was more of a statement that got me thinking. A very close friend of mine said that he/she was driving to the church and an ambulance was driving past with the sirens on in the general direction of the church. And it got this person thinking, if it was going to the church whom would it be for? And if it was someone I knew, what would I do? (And then the big part for me) Who would it need to be for me to want to ride in the Ambulance with them? Well this person said that if it were me that they would make sure that they were in the ambulance with me.

That really got me thinking. If it were this person I would be in the ambulance as well. I would make sure that I was in there. But that made me think about who else would I make sure that I was in there if it happened, and or who would I want in there if it were me that was hurt? I realized that there are a few people that I would want to be there. And that thought led to another, who of those that are my friends, that when things are tough, who do I wants to talk to first? I realized that I do have some people like that.

I do not want to get into naming people; I just hope that I make it known how I feel through my actions towards them. But there are some people here in the DC area that mean the world to me, and that I would do anything for. Some people that have helped me so much that I am honored to call them “my friends”.

We all need to have friends like that; I know that I would not be where I am with out the assistance from great friends. But I also have learned that if you want to have best friends then the most important part is to be that friend. I try hard to be that kind of friend. I know that I fall short and that I do not always meet the need, but I sure do try to, and I guess that counts for something right?

Well I am going to wrap this up now, but I want end this with part of the lyrics to a great song about this

“Be that friend, be that kind
That you prayed you might find
And you always have a best friend
Come what may”

Thanks to those of you that are being that kind of friend.

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