Thursday, June 28, 2007

Faith and our goals

Welcome back to the world of is it really? What shall we talk about today? Well you are in luck I already know what I am going to talk about so you will not need to rack your brain to help me on this matter. Now I feel the need to warn any of you that I am going to be talking about religion. So if this is going to bother you then don’t read it. But I think that most of the people that are reading this are going to be just fine with it.

I received an e-mail today that sparked this whole thing. I will copy and paste bits and pieces from it. The following is an exerpt from the e-mail that I shall give some commentary to.

“A few thoughts about faith. To me faith is the principle of all our actions or ininactions that we take day to day. It is when we lose faith that life is such a struggle. Despite what challenges we have before us, if we have faith, we will know that all will be OK, in time.

There is a saying in the scriptures that is something like, faith without works is dead. To me faith without a goal is waste. If we do not have strong goals then we do not to exercise faith and we do not do our part which is to think through and determine what we want and then have faith that we will have our goals manifested in our lives.”

Ok so I find this to be a great two paragraphs about faith and what not. The first one really sums up why we have problems when we try to take care of our future. We lose faith that it will all work out in the end. We forget that there is someone out there looking out for us and has our best interests at heart.

We all have problems and we all have things that get in the way of our goals. No one is immune to this fact. Does this thought make us feel any better when life is . . . well not going how we would like it to? Of course not, but at least for me it is nice to know that others know what I am going through, just the names and faces have changed.

So now on to the second paragraph with really compliments the first one quite nicely. The goal. We often are bummed about how life is going, but we really don’t know where it is we want to go. We know that we want to be happy, but we don’t know where we really want to be. If you have no goal or heading your odds of getting happiness is reduced. Sure people just happen upon something that makes them happy, but that is not the norm. A ship with no heading or destination does nothing but roam the sea.

You gotta of course have a goal. That is that hard part that we all have to deal with. Choosing what it is that we want. Sure it is ok if it changes from time to time. But it helps to have something to work for. But I am not going to talk about that aspect right now.

In this e-mail there is a fantastic quote, and it is as follows “Faith isn’t faith until it’s all you’re holding on to.” The person who said that is unknown. But it is a true concept. That is really when we find out what we are made of. When we have nothing else to hold on to. When you have no one to turn to on this earth that is when you grow the most, and when you grow your relationship with God. It is amazing how people can forget him when things are going good, but when things are going wrong most people are quick to call him again. The entire thing about how there is never an atheist in a foxhole is true. You have no one else to turn to for help when your there. And I am sure that when a lot of us are in our figurative foxholes in life we remember God and how he can help us.

So now that I am off of that soap box I can talk about the last thing in the e-mail. It is about blocking our dreams from us. “You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith." - Mary Manin Morrissey

That is so true. When we allow the task of getting there become to daunting then we will never get it. Don’t let it scare you, go for it, and move forward one day at a time. School for example. It is a really long thing. If you think about that all the time then it is going to be hard to keep the focus. But when you know where you are going to be, and you don’t get caught up in the nitty gritty it helps a lot. Keep the big picture in mind.

Well I think that I am growing tired of typing now so I am going to stop now. Should you want the rest of the e-mail let me know and I can send it to ya.

So is it really about Faith? Is it really what makes a difference in getting your goal or becoming happy?

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